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Pelargonium panduriforme
Large, attractive, hot-pink flowers make this small shrub an enviable plant for gardens....
Euryops annae
Euryops annae is a small, easy-to-grow shrub, with bright yellow flowers during late summer and autumn....
Helichrysum nudifolium var. pilosellum
Helichrysum nudifolium var. pilosellum occurs in the open grassland of the Free State, and grows from Eastern Cape to Malawi. The plant's...
Erica abietina subsp. atrorosea
Found only on the Cape Peninsula, this heath is known to older mountain walkers as Erica phylicifolia. When Dr Ted Oliver revised this section...
Euryops tysonii
Euryops tysonii is a lovely shrub for the garden, it has attractive foliage, showy yellow flowers all summer and an interesting upright and sprawling...
Streptocarpus modestus
Streptocarpus modestus , with its lovely pale mauve flowers, makes a most rewarding pot plant, and is still quite unusual to have in the home today....
Brunsvigia bosmaniae
Brunsvigia bosmaniae produces a dazzling floral display during autumn when little else is flowering in the veld. More or less 21 days after a late summer...
Pelargonium hispidum
This summer flowering pelargonium has bristly leaves, hence its name....
Aloe thompsoniae
Dioscorea brownii
Dioscorea brownii, a little known, unusual and rare member of the yam family is found only in southern KwaZulu-Natal. It is unique amongst the dioscoreas...
Aloe nubigena
Aloe nubigena is an attractive small aloe with soft, strap-shaped leaves and is ideal for growing in hanging baskets....
Erica abietina subsp. abietina
Hikers walking on Table Mountain will experience the delights of the amazing diversity of plant life and the many flowers that are to be seen every month...
Senecio hederiformis
Senecio hederiformis is a rare and still relatively poorly known species from the high-altitude grasslands of Mpumalanga and Limpopo Province, South Africa....
Cucumis metuliferus
This African climber is cultivated in various parts of the world for its showy, edible fruits....
Barleria scindens
Barleria scindens, not a very well known species in the genus, produces beautiful mauve flowers from February to July. It is ideal for sunny areas...
Rotheca louwalbertsii
Rotheca louwalbertsii is a slender, dainty plant with purplish blue flowers borne in long, terminal inflorescences. The individual flowers look almost...
Hermannia grandiflora
This striking species is as yet unknown in horticulture despite its alluring name, and is really worth growing as a pot plant, or in the garden or rock...
Diascia vigilis
Hypoxis hemerocallidea
Hailed as`miracle muti' and `wonder potato', Hypoxis hemerocallidea has been very much in the limelight during the past two decades and is today...
Mondia whitei
Mondia whitei, White's ginger, is a truly versatile and magical African herb — widely used medicinally and an excellent garden subject...