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Barleria ovata
This barleria has pretty flowers which change colour and it resprouts from a woody rootstock after fire....
Wahlenbergia cuspidata
Wahlenbergia cuspidata is a bushy, perennial herb with large, showy, cup-shaped flowers, from summer-rainfall regions of South Africa....
Oldenburgia paradoxa
Oldenburgia paradoxa is an unusual cushion-shaped species of the daisy family that grows on rocks in the Cape mountains and looks like an alpine plant....
Roella glomerata
Roella glomerata with its large, white to pale blue flowers, is the only member of the South African endemic genus, Roella that is found...
Gossypium herbaceum subsp. africanum
The wild cotton plant, Gossypium herbaceum subsp. africanum, is often only noticed when in fruit or when bearings its hibiscus-like flowers....
Gonioma kamassi
A small, unusual and rewarding, rounded, evergreen shrub with fragrant white or pale yellow flowers that are produced in small clusters at the ends of...
Maurocenia frangula
Maurocenia frangula provides interest throughout the year; with its scarlet, new growth in winter, bright cerise edible berries in autumn, and its decorative,...
Erica annectens
This late summer flowering erica is only found on the Cape Peninsula....
Delosperma tradescantioides
The Kei-delosperma is a cliff-hanger, mat-forming plant endemic to the Kei River and its tributaries, in the Eastern Cape. It has large, flat, hairy to...
Sansevieria hyacinthoides
The mother-in-law’s tongue is an evergreen, perennial herb, with its handsome robust, flat, dark green and fibrous leaves that attact game. Its scented...
Erica diaphana
Erica diaphana is a strong-growing heath from the southern Cape that brings summer colour to the fynbos garden....
Erica sparsa var. sparsa
Erica sparsa is a free-flowering, relatively easy-to-grow, fynbos shrub that produces masses of small flowers in late summer, autumn and winter, that turn...
Roella muscosa
Roella muscosa is a flat-growing, herbaceous plant, with beautiful, pale icy blue flowers, growing rather inconspicuously among rocks in sand, and is found...
Erica sociorum
Erica sociorum is the most localized of all Cape Peninsula endemic ericas, and only found growing in a very limited area on cliffs above Noordhoek....
Duvernoia adhatodoides
Duvernoia adhatodoides is now Justicia adhatodoides ...
Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis
Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis is one of two less known, but equally striking, subspecies of Aloe striata. This particular subspecies is well known...
Barleria bremekampii
If you are looking for a water-wise prickly hedge or barrier plant, Barleria bremkampii is your answer....
Scabiosa columbaria
This is a lovely wild flower species with faintly scented blooms, appearing throughout the year....
Cotyledon woodii
Cotyledon woodii is suitable as an interesting succulent shrub for containers or rockeries, with its bold, orange, bird-pollinated flowers....
Dombeya cymosa
Dombeya cymosa is an ornamental, deciduous, small tree that bears showy, drooping, white, sweet-scented flowers....