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Schefflera umbellifera
This tree is an upright tree with a rounded crown suitable for a courtyard or gardens with limited space. It was selected as one of the South African Trees...
Vachellia nilotica subsp. kraussiana
If you were a game or stock farmer with browsers on your property, this lovely Vachellia species would be an asset to you. Please just remember the...
Searsia discolor
This attractive shrub is grown mainly for its fine foliage. Along with several other species in this genus, it is overlooked as a garden plant. Very little...
Anisodontea julii
Anisodontea julii, valued for its quick growth, is a tall, graceful shrub with velvety, maple-like leaves and wonderful displays of large pink flowers...
Senecio tamoides
Calpurnia aurea
With decorative foliage, showy yellow flowers and a graceful habit, Calpurnia aurea is an asset in any garden....
Pelargonium transvaalense
This plant has grown in the Lowveld National Botanical Garden happily for many years in both sunny and shady positions....
Bauhinia tomentosa
This medium to large shrub with its attractive, light green, two-lobed leaves produces beautiful, bright yellow flowers with black to maroon coloured centres...
Athrixia phylicoides
This is a stunning plant that has a great horticultural potential in cultivation. Its beautiful flowers and the soft texture of the leaves make it an asset...
Momordica cardiospermum
This climber has a foetid smell, but makes up for it with showy orange-yellow flowers and large, fleshy, bulging orange-red ripe fruits that...
Berchemia zeyheri
The Berchemia zeyheri tree is valuable to the people, animals and birds of South Africa....
Mimusops zeyheri
The Transvaal red milkwood has gained its popularity with people, birds as well as monkeys and baboons through its tasty fruit which are sweet and high...
Gardenia cornuta
The spectacular, large white and yellow flowers with their sweet scent, attracts passersby from a distance to this small, much-branched tree. The smooth,...
Acridocarpus natalitus
Its beautiful flowers and fruit make this evergreen shrub or small tree an appealing garden subject which should be in most gardens in the warmer and coastal...
Cassine peragua
Cassine peragua is a medium-sized tree suitable for suburban gardens, with fragrant flowers and decorative, bird-attracting fruits, but its most attractive...
Dimorphotheca jucunda
A mass of Dimorphotheca jucunda plants with their striking purple 'flowers' could create an illusion of a deep, dark pool with many hidden...
Aloe mitriformis
There are not many aloes from the Cape that flower during summer, hence those that do are more sought after. Those of you who love gardening with bright...
Pogonarthria squarrosa
Pogonarthria squarrosa is a loosely tufted grass with interesting, reddish-brown inflorescences which have led to its common name, herringbone...
Eragrostis superba
The large, flat, attractive spikelets on inflorescences that occur well above the basal tuft of leaves make this one of the easiest Eragrostis...
Kalanchoe luciae
The Afrikaans name meelplakkie is most appropriate for this plant as it does indeed look as if the whole plant has been liberally dusted with flour (meel)....