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Crossandra greenstockii
Crossandra greenstockii is a beautiful little perennial, with bright orange to red flowers all summer; it looks very stunning in flower, providing a welcome...
Corchorus olitorius
A tropical, fast-growing, annual herb, up to 4 m tall, with a fibrous stem and yellow flowers in 1 to 2 months from the time of germination....
Ledebouria caesiomontana
This small and cryptic species remains very elusive in its natural habitat, due to its ability to hide amongst grasses and other vegetation, as a result...
Haworthiopsis attenuata
Zebra Haworthia is an attractive, low-growing succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, dark green leaves with white tubercles....
Haworthia cymbiformis var. ramosa
Haworthia cymbiformis var. ramosa is a dwarf, cliff-hugger, with numerous small rosettes of light green, triangular-lanceolate, succulent leaves and a...
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera
Haworthia cymbiformis var. setulifera is a dwarf, compact growing, cliff-hugger, consisting of dense clumps of numerous, small rosettes of sparingly toothed,...
Ledebouria pusilla
This tiny bulb is the smallest of all the ledebourias in the world. Often with only one or two leaves per plant, this species is tiny in all respects....
Nemesia leipoldtii
A cheerful annual with white or purple flowers, to create a glistening carpet in your garden, from late winter to spring. This species is not well-known...
Aloe dewinteri
Aloe dewinteri is at once distinguished by its stemless rosettes of grey-green to whitish green, spreading leaves, and 3-branched inflorescences bearing...
Synaptolepis oliveriana
Synaptolepis oliveriana is a much-branched, scrambling shrub, with spear-shaped leaves and sweetly scented, creamy yellow flowers in summer; the plant...
Cyclopia pubescens
Cyclopia pubescens is a very attractive, yet highly threatened species, endemic to the extreme east of the Fynbos Biome. Its club-like clusters of vibrant...
Grewia caffra
A multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with a climbing habit, often seen sprawling into nearby plants for support. It bears striking, yellow, star-like flowers...
Ruellia cordata
Ruellia cordata is known by its softly hairy, greyish leaves and showy pink, purple-blue or white flowers with purple streaks, in spring and early summer;...
Commiphora woodii
The forest corkwood is one of the few corkwoods that does not have flaking or peeling bark. ...
Steirodiscus tagetes
A small, wiry-stemmed annual with striking, yellow flowers in spring, endemic to the Greater Cape Floristic Region, and one of the most attractive annuals...
Clausena anisata
Clausena anisata is a very neat and attractive small tree, that gives off a strong scent that is considered by many to be unpleasant; when the leaves are...
Babiana noctiflora
A night-scented bobbejaantjie that is rare in fynbos, with yellow flowers that are adapted to their night-flying moth pollinators by remaining open and...
Diospyros simii
This fast-growing shrub or small tree grows well in sun or semi shade. It produces white flowers in spring, followed by decorative, orange-red, edible...
Ledebouria comptonii
A small and attractive species which proliferates to form dense stands, with brightly coloured flowers produced en-masse in early spring. The species is...
Crassula fusca
This is an attractive plant and probably one of the most low maintenance Crassula, as it requires little watering and prefers semi-shade.Fig. 1. Crassula...