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Search results for "Crassula" (displaying 20 of 38 on page 1)
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Crassula coccinea
... botanist, Rudolph Marloth explains in his description of Crassula coccinea published in Flora of South Africa ... a combination of a convex lens with a concave reflector." Crassula coccinea occurs naturally in the Western Cape, from ... of 800 m. The red disa Disa uniflora , and the red crassula, Crassula coccinea , both flower in mid to late ...
Crassula streyi
... 2016 At first this plant was thought to be a form of Crassula multicava, but in fact differs from it in several ... surfaces only occur along the margins of the leaves in Crassula streyi and are not scattered on the surfaces. The ... yellow flowers are tinged red and borne in May and June. Crassula streyi occurs from Oribi Gorge in Kwa Zulu Natal to ...
Crassula rupestris
... live for more than sixty years in their natural habitat. Crassula rupestris occurs in southern Namibia, the ... tolerant, being able to survive temperatures of - 4°C. Crassula rupestris is pollinated by bees, bumble bees and ... only a very small fraction will make it to adulthood. Crassula This can be accomplished either by cuttings or seed. ...
Crassula ovata
... develop into small capsules, each holding many tiny seeds. Crassula ovata is very similar to Crassula arborescens . C. arborescens occurs only in the ... bloom on its leaves, and its leaves are almost spherical. Crassula ovata is a prominent element of the Eastern Cape and ...
Crassula atropurpurea
... Desert NBG I an Oliver Karoo Desert NBG August 2005 Crassula atropurpurea is a small, perennial succulent with ... yellow flowers are produced on long, flowering spikes. Crassula atropurpurea has a very wide distribution. It occurs ... tends to favour rock habitats. In the Worcester area, Crassula atropurpurea is found growing in rocky crevices in ...
Crassula multicava
Kirstenbosch NBG Werner Voigt Kirstenbosch NBG October 2005 Crassula multicava is a moderate to fast-growing, ... petite, charming little stars, hence the common name fairy crassula, and appear in masses above the attractive leaves. ... serve for rapid absorption of water from the leaf surface. Crassula multicava occurs on forest margins, river and stream ...
Crassula arborescens
... NBG Werner Voigt Kirstenbosch NBG October 2007 Crassula arborescens is a large and impressive looking ... smooth, green-grey bark. Two subspecies are found, namely Crassula arborescens subsp. arborescens and subsp. ... and are dispersed by wind. There are two subspecies found. Crassula arborescens subsp. arborescens occurs from the Hex ...
Crassula dejecta
Kirstenbosch NBG Alice Notten Kirstenbosch NBG January 2008 Crassula dejecta is a neat, densely branched, upright ... small capsules, each holding many tiny seeds. The genus Crassula is one of the most diverse succulent genera, ... trees such as C. ovata . There are more than 300 Crassula species of which approx. 150 are found in southern ...
Crassula perfoliata var. minor
... flowers are up to 7 mm long. The seeds are very small. Crassula perfoliata var. minor is confined to quartzitic ... var. picturata, H. viscosa, Cotyledon orbiculata , Crassula rupestris and Adromischus cristatus. Plants grow at ... altitude of 250-1000 m in Fynbos- or Albany Thicket Biome. Crassula perfoliata var. minor flowers during summer ...
Crassula sericea var. sericea
... Its stamens have brownish anthers (pollen bearing part). Crassula sericea var. sericea flowers mainly during Winter (May-August). Crassula sericea var. sericea is found in the lower Gariep ... River (Ai-Ais Richtersveld Transfrontier National Park) Crassula sericea var. sericea was found growing with other ...
Crassula rubricaulis
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden Feburary 2010 Crassula rubricaulis is a much-branched perennial shrublet ... older flowers an interesting red-and-white-striped effect. Crassula rubricaulis flowers from midsummer until autumn (January to May). Crassula rubricaulis grows on rocky outcrops, occasionally in ...
Crassula mesembrianthemopsis
... of 2-4 years, perhaps longer if conditions are favourable. Crassula mesembrianthemopsis has seldom been seen in the wild ... amount of leaf surface area exposed to the harsh elements. Crassula Despite crassulas being amongst the easiest plants ... and keep the plants too dry, rather than too wet. The name Crassula literally means 'little fat one'. The specific name ...
Crassula exilis
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden December 2010 Crassula exilis grows naturally as a dense mat, forming ... is varied and includes sandstones, granites and shales. Crassula Crassulas are amongst the easiest plants to ... after flowering, keeping the plant looking neat and tidy. Crassula in Latin means 'the little fat one'; exilis, also ...
Crassula setulosa
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden April 2011 Crassula setulosa grows naturally as a dense mat, forming a ... varied and includes sandstone, granite, shale and basalt. Crassula Crassulas are amongst the easiest plants to ... tolerant and excellent for rockeries and living walls. Crassula setulosa Harv. Crassula setulosa C. setulosa var. ...
Crassula socialis
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden February 2012 Crassula socialis is a small succulent perennial, up to 60 mm ... crevices, which are usually south- or south-east facing. Crassula socialis is insect-pollinated. After pollination the ... and are dispersed by wind. Like most other crassulas, Crassula socialis has the ability to survive damage and if a ...
Crassula deltoidea
Kirstenbosch NBG Adam Harrower Kirstenbosch July 2012 Crassula deltoidea is a perennial dwarf succulent that forms ... release dust-like black seeds which are wind-dispersed. Crassula deltoidea is a fairly slow-growing relative to other crassula species and can take a few years to form a sizeable ...
Crassula alpestris
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden November 2012 Crassula alpestris is a short-lived dwarf perennial succulent ... tightly clasp the stem and the leaves above. As in many Crassula species, the leaves are arranged oppositely with ... release dust-like black seeds which are wind-dispersed. Crassula alpestris is fairly slow-growing relative to other ...
Crassula congesta
... NBG Adam Harrower Kirstenbosch NB March 2013 Crassula congesta is a dwarf monocarpic biennial succulent, ... are wind-dispersed. There are two recognised subspecies of Crassula congesta : subsp. congesta with leaves that curve ... with leaves that curve downwards. Both subspecies of Crassula congesta have fairly limited distributions in the ...
Crassula tecta
... is somewhat more succulent than other members of the genus Crassula. It adopts a curious survival strategy by ... but also makes it somewhat unpalatable to animals. Crassula tecta is a perennial succulent, branching from the ... leaves reaching a height of about 50 mm. The leaves of all Crassula species are typically opposite and stacked at right ...
Crassula spathulata
... Botanical Garden March 2014 Revised June 2022 Crassula spathulata is a drought tolerant, semi-hardy ... have been observed on the plant throughout the year. Crassula spathulata usually occurs on rocky outcrops along ... turn slightly red when exposed to too much sunlight. Crassula spathulata has a widespread distribution from the ...