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Search results for "Coleus" (displaying 12 of 12 on page 1)

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Coleus subspicatus

Coleus subspicatus
Common names: spike spurflower, long-spiked spurflower, lavender spurflower (Eng.); ritsblom spoorsalie (Afr.)
Family: Lamiaceae

... larger than the rest. The natural distribution range of Coleus subspicatus is from the coast up into the Drakensberg ... garden that aims to support local wildlife. By planting Coleus subspicatus , gardeners can help to create a more ... used as a natural pest control agent in certain areas. Coleus It can be easily grown from cuttings. Plant it in a ...

29 / 07 / 2024 | Sihle Nqentsu | Pretoria NBG
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Coleus genus

Coleus hadiensis 'Penge' (Photo Alice Notten)
Common names: coleus
Family: Lamiaceae

... Notten Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden June 2020 Coleus is a genus of annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, ... nutlet, often slightly flattened. In the old literature, Coleus and Plectranthus were separated on the basis of the stamens being fused ( Coleus ), or free to the base ( Plectranthus ), but when it ...

08 / 06 / 2020 | Alice Notten | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Coleus amboinicus

Coleus amboinicus
Common names: African thyme, French thyme, country borage, Indian borage, Indian mint, broad-leaf thyme, soup mint (Eng.); Afrika-tiemie, krui-spoorsalie (Afr.)
Family: Lamiaceae

... and Conservation, University of the Western Cape May 2020 Coleus amboinicus is a rapid growing, branched, evergreen, ... network of veins on the lower surface. Figure 2. Coleus amboinicus flowers. The inflorescence is a terminal ... the tropics, it can flower at other times of the year. Coleus amboinicus has a wide distribution but is confined to ...

04 / 05 / 2020 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Coleus tenuicaulis

Coleus tenuicaulis
Common names: Angolan blue coleus (Eng.); Angola blouspoorsalie (Afr.)
Family: Lamiaceae

... mid-summer (November to March in the southern hemisphere). Coleus  tenuicaulis is only known from the highlands of ... of about 2 000 m above sea level, growing in grassland. Coleus tenuicaulis is a grassland species. It grows on the ... a chemical defense mechanism against plant-eating insects. Coleus Coleus tenuicaulis is best grown in full sun, in ...

08 / 10 / 2018 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Coleus venteri

Coleus venteri
Common names: Sekukuni coleus (Eng.); sekoekoeniesalie (Afr.)
Family: Lamiaceae

... are dark brown to black, flattened, ovoid, 1.5 mm nutlets. Coleus venteri is very distinct and unlikely to be confused with any other coleus or plectranthus, owing to its uniquely lobed leaves ... and short side branches, and its violet-purple flowers. Coleus venteri is endemic to South Africa, with a ...

30 / 04 / 2018 | Monique Mcquillan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Coleus esculentus

Coleus esculentus
Common names: wild potato, veld potato, African potato, Livingstone potato (Eng.); veldaartappel, wilde-aartappel (Afr.); itapile (Xhosa); tsenza (Shona); mutada (V
Family: Lamiaceae

... Notten Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden June 2020 Coleus esculentus is an erect to trailing, semi-succulent, ... in the Northern Cape, still make use of wild potato. Coleus esculentus is able to grow in a variety of warm ... soil and climatic conditions across the continent. Coleus esculentus , as with many members of the genus, is ...

27 / 07 / 2015 | B Busch | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Coleus madagascariensis

Coleus madascariensis 'Lynne'
Common names: thicket coleus, Madagascar coleus, candle plant (Eng.); ruigtemuishondblaar, Madagaskarmuishondblaar (Afr.); iboza lehlathi, ilozane (isiZulu)
Family: Lamiaceae

... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden June 2020     Coleus madagascariensis is amongst the best-known of the Plectranthus and Coleus species. Its herbaceous, well-branched, procumbent ... in late March and early April in the southern hemisphere). Coleus madagascariensis has a remarkably widespread ...

09 / 06 / 2014 | Adam Harrower | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Coleus hadiensis

Coleus hadiensis inflorescence
Common names: hairy coleus (Eng.); harigesalie (Afr.); ilozane (isiXhosa); lehlati, imbozisa (Zulu)
Family: Lamiaceae

... Notten Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden June 2020 Coleus hadiensis is a shrubby or herbaceous perennial, up to ... nutlets, 8 mm in size, are formed and released when ripe. Coleus hadiensis has a widespread distribution from the ... annual rainfall is between 700 and 1000 mm per annum. Coleus hadiensis looks like a soft perennial yet it is ...

02 / 06 / 2014 | Mpendulo Gabayi | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Coleus grandidentatus

Coleus grandidentatus
Common names: big-teeth coleus, scented-leaf coleus (Eng.); groottandsalie (Afr.)
Family: Lamiaceae

... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden
 June 2020 Coleus grandidentatus  is a trailing, soft, semi-succulent, ... dark brown nutlet, usually with four nutlets per flower.  Coleus grandidentatus naturally occurs in Afromontane Forest, ... above 1000 m, where rainfall is higher. Eleven species of Coleus and Plectranthus are found in Afromontane Forest.  ...

19 / 12 / 2011 | Kyle Smith | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Coleus livingstonei

Coleus livingstonei
Common names: hedgehog sage, large hedgehog flower, prickly sage, blue boys, nettle-leaf pycnostachys, dark blue pycnostachys (Eng.); ystervarksalie, groot ystervar
Family: Lamiaceae

... Notten Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden June 2020 Coleus livingstonei is an erect herbaceous perennial or soft ... it begins flowering in cold places such as Johannesburg. Coleus livingstonei occurs naturally in South Africa, where ... in marshy places, along stream banks or forest margins. Coleus livingstonei is food for grasshoppers, and the flowers ...

16 / 03 / 2009 | Mandisa Kondlo | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Coleus neochilus

Coleus neochilus
Common names: smelly coleus, blue coleus, lobster flower (Eng.); rotstuinsalie (Afr.)
Family: Lamiaceae

... Notten Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden June 2020 Coleus neochilus is a decumbent to erect, much branched, ... as in Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia and Botswana. Coleus neochilus flowers are visited by carpenter bees, bees and other flying insects. Coleus neochilus thrives in hot, dry areas. This may be ...

31 / 05 / 2004 | T Mukoma | Lowveld NBG
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Coleus kirkii

Coleus kirkii
Common names: prickly sage, blue soldier sage (Eng.); stekelsalie (Afr.); umvuthuza, uhlalawane (Zulu)
Family: Lamiaceae

... National Botanical Garden March 2004 updated June 2020 Coleus kirkii is a robust, upright-growing, herbaceous shrub ... have a similar growth habit and similar-looking foliage. Coleus kirkii has pale blue and mauve flowers densely crowded ... autumn (March-April). The seed is a small, ovoid nutlet. Coleus kirkii is a widespread species. It occurs in South ...

29 / 03 / 2004 | Alice Notten | Kirstenbosch NBG
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