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Search results for "Delosperma" (displaying 11 of 11 on page 1)

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Delosperma nubigenum

Delosperma nubigenum in flower at the Denver Botanic Gardens
Common names: cloud-born delosperma (Eng.), geel-kransvygie (Afr.); mabone, motabo (Sesotho)
Family: Aizoaceae

... Capsule top-shaped. Flowering time is in summer. Fig. 2. Delosperma nubigenum in fruit in the Denver Botanic Gardens, Colorado, USA. Delosperma nubigenum occurs on the escarpment edge of the ... aristata, Artemisia afra , Cotyledon orbiculata , Delosperma sp ., Crassula nudicaulis, Crassula lanceolata, ...

01 / 04 / 2024 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Delosperma frutescens

Delosperma frutescens in flower
Common names: dwarf tree mesemb, shrubby delosperma (Eng.); dwerg-boomvygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... Fig. 2. The main stem and branching architecture of the Delosperma frutescens plant in the Matthews Rockery; the ... (September to October southern hemisphere). Fig. 3 . Delosperma frutescens in flower in the Matthews Rockery. Delosperma frutescens occurs in the Eastern Cape, widespread, ...

18 / 03 / 2024 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Delosperma zoutpansbergense

Delosperma zoutpansbergense in flower in habitat
Common names: Soutpansberg delosperma (Eng.), Soutpansberg-vygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... Erma and Henk van Jaarsveld for assistance in the field. Delosperma zoutpansbergense is a soft, fragile, sprawling ... seen. Flowering is mainly in spring and summer.  Fig. 2. Delosperma zoutpansbergense in flower in its habitat, growing ... sharing its habitat with Coleus mutabilis. Dec 2005. Delosperma zoutpansbergense is only known from the upper, ...

13 / 03 / 2023 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Delosperma waterbergense

Delosperma waterbergense in flower at Kirstenbosch
Common names: Waterberg delosperma (Eng.), waterbergvygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... : Flowering time is in  spring and summer. Fig. 2 . A Delosperma waterbergense plant in flower at Kirstenbosch ... Park), note the narrow petals, and the papillate leaves. Delosperma waterbergense is only known from the upper, south ... National Park, the upper cliffs are the habitat of Delosperma waterbergense. The associated vegetation is the ...

27 / 02 / 2023 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Delosperma zeederbergii

Delosperma zeederbergii in flower in its habitat
Common names: Spekboom River mesemb (Eng.); spekboomriviervygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... of the farmer at Doringhoek, Spekboomrivier, Lydenburg. Delosperma zeederbergii is a lax, decumbent, soft and ... Flowering is mainly in spring and summer.   Fig. 2. Delosperma zeederbergii in flower in its habitat, growing on ... with Crassula lanceolata and a species Streptocarpus . Delosperma zeederbergii is only known from the upper Spekboom ...

06 / 02 / 2023 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Delosperma velutinum

Delosperma velutinum white flower EVJ
Common names: silky-leaved cliff-delosperma (Eng.); syblaarkransvygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... internodes are short. Fig. 2  A close-up of the stem of Delosperma velutinum in cultivation at Babylonstoren Farm. ... old leaves persistent. Fig. 3  Close-up of the leaves of Delosperma velutinum in cultivation at Babylonstoren Farm ... autumn. Fig. 4  The flower of a pink-flowering plant of Delosperma velutinum, in cultivation at Babylonstoren Farm. ...

24 / 10 / 2022 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Delosperma saxicola

Delosperma saxicola
Common names: Tsitsikamma cliff vygie, Tsitsikamma cliff mesemb (Eng.); Tsitsikamma vygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... University of the Western Cape September 2019 Delosperma saxicola plants have a much-branched, sprawling to ... globose, 1 × 0.8 mm in diameter, surface tuberculate. Delosperma saxicola is endemic to coastal cliffs of the ... winter and summer, ranging from 700–800 mm per annum . Delosperma saxicola plants grow in Fynbos in full sun. The ...

30 / 09 / 2019 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Delosperma abbottii

Delosperma abbottii
Common names: Pondoland cliff-delosperma (Eng.); Pondokransvygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... Conservation, University of the W. Cape. October 2016   Delosperma abbottii is mat-forming, and hangs pendent from ... occasionally at other times of the year. It is related to Delosperma stenandrum , but D. abbottii is at once ... those of D. stenandrum are only 7 mm in diameter. Delosperma abbottii is only known from the narrow kloofs in ...

03 / 10 / 2016 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Delosperma tradescantioides

Delosperma tradescantioides
Common names: Kei-delosperma (Engl.); Keivygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... pear-shaped, 0.8 × 0.5 mm in diameter, dark brown..   Delosperma tradescantioides appears to be endemic to the Kei ... , C. perforata , C. lactea and  C. excelsa .   Delosperma is fairly fast growing, with its flat, broad ... associated with sheer cliffs, in absence of herbivores. Delosperma Delosperma tradescantioides is easily grown in ...

12 / 01 / 2015 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Delosperma lydenbergense

Delosperma lydenburgense groundcover
Common names: Lydenburg vygie (Eng.); klipvygie, rotsvygie (Afr.)
Family: Mesembryanthemaceae

... C. Oliver Pretoria National Botanical Garden November 2009 Delosperma lydenburgense is a small shrub or ground cover ... them against damage by the high light intensity. Delosperma lydenburgense occurs in Lydenburg Montane ... quite possible that they are pollinators of the klipvygie. Delosperma Delosperma lydenburgense is easily propagated from ...

23 / 11 / 2009 | K Bayloyi | Pretoria NBG
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Delosperma cooperi
Common names: Afrikaans names of species: D. carolinense, D. vogtsii : klipvygie, rotsvygie; D. floribundum : skaapvygie; D. herbeum : witbergvygie; D. macellum : r
Family: Aizoaceae

... in many species , a character that is not confined to  Delosperma  but is shared with the genus  Trichodiadema  ... distinguished by its 'crown of thorns' on the leaf tips). Delosperma plants are perennials and can be upright, ... but on overcast days they tend to remain closed. Most Delosperma species are self-compatible where as many other ...

17 / 10 / 2005 | P Burgoyne | National Herbarium Pretoria
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