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Search results for "Helichrysum" (displaying 20 of 23 on page 1)

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Helichrysum citricephalum

Helichrysum citricephalum, shrubby habit, siver-grey leaves and yellow flower heads
Common names: Ixopo everlasting (Eng.)
Family: Asteraceae

... and Clinton Carbutt for making his images available. Helichrysum citricephalum is a relatively large, densely ... surround the mass of darker yellow flowers in the centre. Helichrysum citricephalum flowers in late summer to early autumn (February to March). Although Helichrysum citricephalum does not closely resemble any ...

12 / 02 / 2024 | Keitumetse Lenong | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Helichrysum drakensbergense

Helichrysum drakensbergense
Common names: Drakensberg everlasting (Eng.)
Family: Asteraceae

... Matcher from their observations posted on iNaturalist. Helichrysum drakensbergense is a bushy perennial herb about ... Flowering is in early summer, from November to January. Helichrysum drakensbergense is a Drakensberg and South ... the plants to survive on little water. The flowers of Helichrysum drakensbergense attract bees and other insects, ...

16 / 10 / 2023 | Mashudu Tshitereke | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Helichrysum pandurifolium

Helichrysum pandurifolium
Common names: fiddle everlasting; fiddle-leaved strawflower (Eng.); kooigoed (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

... very strong aromatic odour. Fig. 2. A typical specimen of Helichrysum pandurifolium , showing height and width when ... Alternately arranged, strongly aromatic, ovate leaves of Helichrysum pandurifolium , with grey-wool on both sides and ... involucral bracts. (Photo Marcus Melck) It is similar to Helichrysum patulum and H. petiolare , however it may be ...

19 / 06 / 2023 | Mduduzi Nkwanyana | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Helichrysum sutherlandii

Helichrysum sutherlandii
Common names: Sutherland’s everlasting (Eng.); molepelle, ntlo-ea mokhobane, senkotoana (Sesotho)
Family: Asteraceae

... Velembo Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden May 2021 Helichrysum sutherlandii is a well-branched shrublet that ... help prevent water loss making it a water-wise plant. Helichrysum Helichrysum sutherlandii can be propagated from both cuttings ...

03 / 05 / 2021 | Sisanda Alakhe Velembo-Mhlauli | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Helichrysum patulum

Helichrysum patulum
Common names: honey everlasting (Eng.); kooigoed (Afr.); impepho (isXhosa); phefo (Sesotho).
Family: Asteraceae

... in spring to midsummer (September–February). When the Helichrysum patulum flowerhead reaches the end of its cycle, ... by its distinct petiole and leaves that are not crinkly. Helichrysum patulum grows on sandy flats and coastal dunes ... drought, and are wind resistant and frost tolerant. The Helichrysum patulum flowers attract pollinating insects, such ...

14 / 01 / 2019 | Zoleka May | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Helichrysum dasyanthum

Plants in flower
Common names: None recorded
Family: Asteraceae

... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden June 2014     Helichrysum dasyanthum is a small, erect multistemmed shrub, ... around the style and the stigma is two lobed. Helichrysum dasyanthum occurs on the sand flats and slopes of ... bees and butterflies, are attracted to the flowers. Helichrysum Helichrysum dasyanthum is easily propagated from ...

30 / 06 / 2014 | Mpendulo Gabayi | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Helichrysum grandiflorum

Common names: sewejaartjie, witsewejaartjie (Afr.) (= Gnaphalium grandiflorum L.)
Family: Asteraceae

... Botanical Garden (Millennium Seed Bank) April 2013   Helichrysum grandiflorum is a rather tufted subshrub up to 50 ... is 0.75 mm long, barrel-shaped, ribbed and without hairs. Helichrysum grandiflorum is endemic to the mountains of the ... slopes. It is suitable for winter-rainfall gardens. Helichrysum This is an easy plant to grow and makes an ...

22 / 04 / 2013 | Zoleka Maphanga | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum

Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum
Common names: gold carpet (Eng.); goue tapyt (Afr.); impepho (isiXhosa)
Family: Asteraceae

... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden July 2012   Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum is a fast growing, well ... place of a calyx). There are two recognized subspecies of Helichrysum cymosum : subsp. cymosum and subsp. calvum which ... Eastern Cape and as far as Lake St Lucia in KwaZulu-Natal. Helichrysum This is an easy plant to grow and an excellent ...

23 / 07 / 2012 | Kuphumla Zenze | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Helichrysum nudifolium var. pilosellum

Helichrysum nudifolium var. pilosellum flower head
Common names: hairy everlasting (Eng.); bolebo, boleba-ba-liliba, leboko, papetloane-ea-liliba, papetloane-e-kholo, tsebe-litelele (South Sotho); isicwe (Xhosa, Zul
Family: Asteraceae

... Free State National Botanical Garden March 2009   Helichrysum nudifolium var. pilosellum is a perennial herb up ... or rain. The flowering time is from October to March.   Helichrysum nudifolium  var.  pilosellum  occurs at high ... full sun, and thrives in dry conditions. The flowers of Helichrysum nudifolium var. pilosellum attract lots of small ...

09 / 03 / 2009 | Luambo David Rambuwani | Free State NBG
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Helichrysum cooperi

Helichrysum cooperi flowers
Common names: yellow everlasting (Eng), geelsewejaartjie (Afr.), bohloko, phefo-ae-thaba, toane-balimo, toane-balingoana (South Sotho), umadotsheni (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae

... Free State National Botanical Garden February 2009 Helichrysum cooperi is a fast-growing biennial herb up to 1.5 ... At their top the 'seeds' have a tuft of fine bristles. Helichrysum cooperi  grows in the Free State, Kwazulu-Natal, ... and often grows near or on forest margins. The flowers of Helichrysum cooperi attract many small insects like bees, ...

09 / 02 / 2009 | Luambo David Rambuwani | Free State NBG
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Helichrysum aureonitens

In Flower
Common names: golden everlasting (Eng.); goue sewejaartjie (Afr.); toane-ntja, toane-poli (S. Sotho); impepho-emphlope, indondokozane, inkondlwane (Xhosa)
Family: Asteraceae

... National Herbarium, Pretoria December 2007 This perennial Helichrysum has many slender, erect, stems, about 300 mm ... are one-seeded and each bears a number of fine bristles. Helichrysum aureonitens is widespread in grassland from ... blown or washed away from the parent. This species of Helichrysum acts as a good soil binder. Helichrysum ...

17 / 12 / 2007 | J Ready | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Helichrysum platypterum

Close up of flower head
Common names: umbizakayivuthwa, uhlokokayivuthwa, umgunyuza (isiZulu)
Family: Asteraceae

... have been observed flowering in November and January. Helichrysum platypterum is usually found on moist grassy ... Seed dispersal is by wind or water or both. Helichrysum Not much is known about the cultivation of this ... of areas from semi-coastal to alpine habitats. The genus Helichrysum was named by Phillip Miller who was in charge of ...

30 / 04 / 2007 | Mkhipheni Ngwenya | KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium
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Helichrysum herniarioides

Family: Asteraceae

... & JJJ Mnengwane National Herbarium Pretoria March 2007   Helichrysum herniaroides is a prostrate annual herb with a ... with its peak flowering time from July to September. Helichrysum herniarioides is widely distributed in the ... areas. It produces copious seeds that are wind-dispersed. Helichrysum Nothing is known about the cultivation, but ...

26 / 03 / 2007 | Marinda Koekemoer | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Helichrysum molestum

Plant in flower
Family: Asteraceae

... & JJJ Mnengwane National Herbarium Pretoria March 2007 Helichrysum molestum is a perennial herb up to 1 m tall, ... as the florets. It flowers mainly in March and April. Helichrysum molestum can be easily be confused with H. ... from H. cooperi by its perennial habit and larger heads. Helichrysum molestum favours moist ground in rough, usually ...

12 / 03 / 2007 | Marinda Koekemoer | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Helichrysum foetidum

Helichrysum foetidum inflorescence
Common names: stinking strawflower, stinking yellow everlasting (Eng.); muishondblaar, geelsewejaartjie, vleisewejaartjie (Afr.); isicwe (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae

... National Herbarium, Pretoria November 2005 This Helichrysum is a robust, biennial, strong-smelling herb. The ... fire is unlikely to interfere with their reproduction. Helichrysum Plant  in a warm, sunny position in ... are a common pest and can be removed by hand. The genus Helichrysum Mill. was named by Phillip Miller (1691-1771), a ...

14 / 11 / 2005 | S Nonkululeko | Pretoria NBG
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Helichrysum appendiculatum

Common names: sheep's ears everlasting (Eng.); skaapoorbossie (Afr.); senkotoana (South Sotho); ibode, indlebeyemvu (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae

... and February, but as early as August and as late as April. Helichrysum appendiculatum occurs in grasslands from ... is achieved by wind. Insects are known to pollinate Helichrysum appendiculatum. Helichrysum Helichrysum appendiculatum is easy to grow but ...

31 / 10 / 2005 | Julia Mnengwane | Pretoria NBG
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Helichrysum odoratissimum

Flowers Photo B.E. van Wyk
Common names: most fragrant helichrysum (Eng.); kooigoed, kruie (Afr.); imphepho (Xhosa & Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae

... Swelankomo National Herbarium, Pretoria December 2004 Helichrysum odoratissimum is a strongly aromatic, much ... and will colonize bare areas such as roadsides and paths. Helichrysum Propagation is by seed and stem cuttings. Set ... temporary and replace it every 2-3 years. The genus name, Helichrysum , refers to the golden yellow flowers and comes ...

27 / 12 / 2004 | N Swelankomo | Pretoria NBG
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Helichrysum petiolare

Helichrysum petiolare
Common names: silver bush everlasting, herbal helichrysum, bedding helichrysum (Eng.), kooigoed, kruie (Afr.), imphepho (Xho.)
Family: Asteraceae

... effect of this plant in midsummer (December and January). Helichrysum petiolare occurs in the drier inland parts, ... of bristly hairs at one end, and are dispersed by wind. Helichrysum This plant can be propagated from cuttings or ... rapidly and should be cut back occasionally. The cultivar Helichrysum petiolare 'Limelight' has luminescent ...

06 / 09 / 2004 | Roger Oliver | Harold Porter NBG
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Helichrysum umbraculigerum

Common names: woolly umbrella helichrysum (Eng.); kerriekruie (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

... Trish Hutton-Squire Kirstenbosch Garden Centre March 2004 Helichrysum umbraculigerum is a fast-growing, erect, ... implies a frost tolerant, summer rainfall plant. Helichrysum This plant naturally occurs in the summer ... cutflower, producing up to 50 long stems per adult plant. Helichrysum umbraculigerum must be grown in full sun or ...

22 / 03 / 2004 | T Hutton-squire | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Helichrysum splendidum

Helichrysum splendidum
Common names: cape gold (Eng.); geelsewejaartjie (Afr.); phefo-ea-loti, toanae-moru (S.Sotho)
Family: Asteraceae

... Botanical Garden December 2003 A fast-growing shrub, Helichrysum splendidum  can grow to 1.5 m x 1 m within 2 ... in the centres. The flowers have a slightly sweet perfume. Helichrysum splendidum  occurs naturally in the ... woolly hairs and small leaf surface reduce transpiration. Helichrysum This easy-to-grow shrub requires very little ...

29 / 12 / 2003 | Liesl Van der Walt | Kirstenbosch NBG
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