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Lobostemon belliformis
Lobostemon belliformis is an incredibly rare and fabulous shrub from the Borage family; it is spectacular in bloom with its clusters of red tubular...
Rauvolfia caffra
A fine, fast-growing tree for sheltered gardens, easily grown from seed and an unusually decorative tree for larger gardens and parks....
Eucomis schijffii
Eucomis schijffii is an alpine bulb with a striking rosette of bluish-grey leaves and a short raceme of purplish-maroon, fetid blooms. It is frost-hardy...
Serruria fucifolia
Serruria fucifolia is a charming medium-sized fynbos shrub. During late winter and early spring it is covered in sweetly-scented silver-pink flowers....
Aloe komaggasensis
This aloe was previously known as Aloe striata subsp. komaggasensis. It is relatively new to science and not established at all in horticulture...
Ledebouria genus
The genus Ledebouria was described in 1821 by Roth, although the history of the genus dates back even further, with several authors placing it...
Lachenalia orchioides
Large strikingly attractive flowers varying in colour through shades of blue, pink, lilac to bright yellow and green make this species an attractive container...
Pelargonium reniforme
Pelargonium reniforme is an attractive showy plant with flower colours varying from pink to magenta....
Jubaeopsis caffra
A South African palm whose nearest living relative grows in Chile (South America), sounds like fiction, but it is not. Here it is. ...
Geissorhiza purpureolutea
Geissorhiza purpureolutea is a rare species with cream to yellow flowers with a dark brown to purple centre. It is suited to growing in pots....
Elegia cuspidata
At last, a restio that you will not struggle to identify! Elegia cuspidata has distinctive features and is suited for planting in a Cape Peninsula...
Leucospermum patersonii
The silver-edge pincushion is a large rounded shrub or small tree with broad green leaves giving it an appearance similar to Leucospermum conocarpodendron. It...
Avicennia marina
Every travel agent's idea of a tropical paradise involves white, palm-fringed beaches and "the murmur of summer seas" - but what are those...
Millettia stuhlmanni
Millettia stuhlmannii is a well known timber tree internationally exported for woodwork. Only one subpopulation of this species exists in South Africa...
Wurmbea marginata
Pelargonium crispum
Pelargonium crispum is ideal for any garden as it produces pretty pink flowers for most of the year....
Cynorhiza typica
Cynorhiza typica is a striking wild carrot, the root of which was once commonly used in the West Coast region of the Cape to brew an intoxicating honey...
Pteleopsis myrtifolia
Here we have a very attractive and under-appreciated tree, most often seen in one of the most unusual environments in South Africa, namely the sandveld...
Gasteria armstrongii
Gasteria armstrongii is a dwarf aloe-like, succulent-leaved stone plant, endemic to the Renosterveld flats between Jeffreys Bay and the Gamtoos River...
Lobelia anceps
If you are looking for an attractive groundcover for a wet or boggy area, the swamp lobelia could be the perfect plant for you!...