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Crinum lugardiae
Crinum lugardiae has a rosette of strap-shaped leaves, fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers with long thin floral tubes, in early summer, followed by strongly...
Ruellia patula
A small attractive spreading perennial with stems up to 500 mm long, and white to mauve or purple funnel-shaped flowers in summer. It is easy to grow,...
Delosperma sutherlandii
Delosperma sutherlandii is a drought-tolerant perennial succulent with fleshy green foliage, and bright purple flowers in spring and summer. It is a ground...
Tulbaghia pretoriensis
A little-known and recently described species of wild garlic endemic to Pretoria with sweetly fragrant coconut-scented flowers that is low maintenance...
Imperata cylindrica
Silver-spike or cogon grass has a distinctive flowerhead, which is silky-white or cream and shaped like a cylindrical plume. The leaves are hard, rigid...
Cyanotis speciosa
Cyanotis speciosa is a perennial ground cover that provides all-year-round colour with its exquisite powderpuff flowers that are either blue, pink or purple....
Lycium horridum
Lycium horridum, also known as the buck honeythorn, is a thorny shrub with oblong leaves and distinctive orange to red berries. The plant is known to be...
Clutia pulchella
Clutia pulchella is easily distinguishable by its striking 'ladder-like', alternating arrangement of leaves, often with red leaves among the green....
Nerine gracilis
Nerine gracilis is a dwarf, indigenous South African bulb, that can only be found in a few localities in rocky and damp Highveld Grassland. It has thread-like...
Osteospermum scariosum
Osteospermum scariosum is a beautiful yellow daisy, the flowerheads often having a striking dark ring around the centre....
Sesamum trilobum
Flowering during the warm summer and into autumn, this tall elegant annual adds a cool and lush feeling to the garden. In nature they are commonly found...
Peperomia tetraphylla
A low-growing herb with creeping stems forming mats, with small, thick, rounded leaves, typically dark green with lighter stripes, and are excellent at...
Crassula expansa
Crassula expansa is a dwarf, soft, decumbent, scrambling succulent plant with small green, red or pinkish-green leaves and white, cup-shaped flowers. Best...
Chloris gayana
Rhodes grass is a very leafy grass which spreads by means of stolons. It is a fairly distinctive grass, not easily confused with other grasses....
Senecio coronatus
Senecio coronatus is one of the most common spring-flowering grassland herbs and is often the first species to flower after a burn. It is easily recognized...
Indigofera circinnata
A spiny, rigid shrub with white and pink flowers and distinctive circular pods, that is used in traditional medicine in South Africa. The genus Indigofera...
Bulbine angustifolia
Bulbine angustifolia is a stunning plant with delicate, bright yellow flowers and slender leaves, that can add a touch of beauty to any garden or landscape....
Pentzia incana
An aromatic and easy-growing perennial suited for the water-wise garden. This grey leaved species is covered in small yellow flowers for about six months...
Ipomoea oblongata
An exquisite creeper belonging to the morning glory family, with long stems stretched out flat on the ground, and bright, dark mauve, eye-catching flowers...
Mentha aquatica
A splendorous plant with purple flowers clustered in balls on the internodes of the stems, to entice anyone passing by the marshy field. Not only are you...