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Ipomoea oenotheroides
An eye-catching, drought-resistant shrublet with bright pink ‘morning glory’ flowers in summer and silvery stems sprouting from inedible tuberous...
Jasminum multipartitum
This is a very rewarding plant with sweetly scented, white, waxy flowers displayed against glossy, dark green foliage. Consider it a 'must-have'...
Jatropha zeyheri
A common medicinal plant used in women’s health care in many rural communities in southern Africa....
Justicia flava
Justicia flava is a ground cover which produces yellow flowers from September to May and is a good investment for a sunny spot in the garden....
Justicia petiolaris
Attractive and little-known perennial shrubs with soft velvety leaves and pretty pink-purple or mauve-blue, two-lipped, pouted flowers, present almost...
Kalanchoe lanceolata
Narrow-leaved kalanchoe is a strikingly beautiful, but deadly plant, thriving in rocky habitats in the northern parts of the country....
Kalanchoe rotundifolia
A brittle succulent plant which grows up to 1 m tall under favourable conditions. It is a delightful little plant that puts up a brave show in clumps among...
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora
A striking addition to a succulent rockery or grassland garden, this plant stands tall with its striking white leaves and yellow flowers, at a time of...
Kedrostis hirtella
This climber, with bright green velvety leaves, bears bright orange-red fruit that will attract birds to your garden....
Kigelia africana
The sausage tree boasts long, open sprays of large, wrinkled, maroon or dark red trumpet-shaped flowers that are velvety on the inside and that virtually...
Kiggelaria africana
This widespread tree is said to attract lightning, but some people use it to protect their homes!...
Kirkia wilmsii
This medium to large tree has a spreading, irregular canopy that presents a spectacular sight when in full, bright red autumn colours. Any gardener with...
Kleinia fulgens
This is a stunning, grey-leafed plant with a profusion of scarlet flowers. It is ideal for hot, dry spots in the garden....
Kleinia longiflora
Kleinia longiflora is an unusual, succulent shrub, with striking, thin, pencil-shaped, segmented, upright or sprawling stems, that is drought resistant...
Kniphofia ensifolia
This torch lily is an attractive plant with erect, grey-green, deeply keeled leaves, forming large clumps with attractive white to greenish white or greenish...
Kniphofia porphyrantha
Kniphofia porphyrantha is a small, red-hot poker with numerous flowering stems, upright leaves becoming reflexed, and beautiful bi-coloured orange-red...
Lagenaria siceraria
Lannea discolor
Lannea edulis var. edulis
A dwarf shrub, with stubby stems arising from a woody rootstock; it bears large leaves compared to the size of the plant. The fruits are edible, with a...
Lantana rugosa
From a distance, if it looks like the famous fever-tea or lemon bush plant (Lippia javanica), it is most likely Lantana rugosa. Sadly, sharing the common...