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Plumbago zeylanica
Plumbago zeylanica is a gorgeous, eye-catching shrub that adds intrigue into any garden; it is covered with pretty trusses of small white or rarely pale...
Pogonarthria squarrosa
Pogonarthria squarrosa is a loosely tufted grass with interesting, reddish-brown inflorescences which have led to its common name, herringbone...
Polygala virgata
This charming slender shrub, bearing spikes of bright purple magenta winged flowers is an eye-catcher in any garden. Polygala virgata is one of the beautiful...
Polytrichum commune
Polytrichum commune is one of the largest mosses in southern Africa and can grow up to 25 cm high. Its stiff, narrow leaves are spirally arranged at right...
Pouzolzia mixta
Pouzolzia mixta is a multi-stemmed shrub with conspicuously bicoloured (two coloured) leaves which are spirally arranged with smooth margins....
Protea caffra
The common sugar bush is one of three proteas which occur in the Witwatersrand area. ...
Prunus africana
The fissured stem of this tree, popular for its medicinal properties, has been admired by many gardeners....
Pterocarpus rotundifolius
Flowers of Pterocarpus rotundifolius are strongly honey-scented. Bee-keepers like to plant this tree as a good source of nectar and food for bees....
Ranunculus multifidus
Wild Buttercup is a small evergreen herb, with bright green leaves and masses of yellow flowers in summer, that grows well in damp grassland and spreads...
Raphionacme hirsuta
An attractive, small, summer-growing perennial, with a large, tuberous root and pretty starry flowers in shades of purple, mauve and white, in early summer....
Rauvolfia caffra
A fine, fast-growing tree for sheltered gardens, easily grown from seed and an unusually decorative tree for larger gardens and parks....
Rhamnus prinoides
The African dogwood is a very attractive dense shrub or a small tree with glossy foliage and decorative red berries....
Rhoicissus tridentata
This shrubby climber has many features that make it an ideal garden subject; it is fast growing, hardy, drought tolerant and deciduous, with decorative...
Rhynchosia adenodes
A bright yellow-flowered, indigenous, prostrate herb, with long trailing stems; its roots are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of rheumatism,...
Rhynchosia albissima
A bright yellow-flowered, robust and erect indigenous herb, velvety with silvery grey hairs. Its roots are used in traditional medicine to treat male impotence,...
Rhynchosia caribaea
An indigenous, herbaceous climber; its roots are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of rheumatism and alleviation of headaches....
Rotheca hirsuta
Rotheca hirsuta occurs mainly in grassland. It is one of the first spring flowers to appear after winter in the summer rainfall regions....
Rotheca louwalbertsii
Rotheca louwalbertsii is a slender, dainty plant with purplish blue flowers borne in long, terminal inflorescences. The individual flowers look almost...
Rothmannia capensis
Rothmannia capensis is one of the loveliest indigenous trees for the home garden. It attracts birds and it has a non-aggressive root system. ...
Ruellia cordata
Ruellia cordata is known by its softly hairy, greyish leaves and showy pink, purple-blue or white flowers with purple streaks, in spring and early summer;...