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Kleinia longiflora
Kleinia longiflora is an unusual, succulent shrub, with striking, thin, pencil-shaped, segmented, upright or sprawling stems, that is drought resistant...
Lantana rugosa
From a distance, if it looks like the famous fever-tea or lemon bush plant (Lippia javanica), it is most likely Lantana rugosa. Sadly, sharing the common...
Papaver aculeatum
Papaver aculeatum is an attractive, orange- or pinkish-orange-flowered annual, and the only poppy endemic to the southern hemisphere. It makes an attractive...
Lannea edulis var. edulis
A dwarf shrub, with stubby stems arising from a woody rootstock; it bears large leaves compared to the size of the plant. The fruits are edible, with a...
Sporobolus africanus
Sporobolus africanus is a tough, palatable, perennial grass with a low leaf production. It is a good indicator of disturbed veld....
Orbea melanantha
A mat-forming succulent that can spread on the surface of the soil with no trace of underground rhizomes, this water-wise plant will be an excellent addition...
Combretum hereroense
Combretum hereroense is a valuable species that has interesting horticultural characters all year round; the leaves and seed pods turn coppery, and a touch...
Argyrolobium rupestre subsp. rupestre
A small, slender-stemmed, few-flowered, shortly ascending plant, that flourishes in spring and summer. It is a flowering plant in the legume family (Fabaceae),...
Grewia retinervis
Grewia retinervis is a hardy shrub with bright yellow flowers in summer and shiny, reddish brown edible fruits....
Tulbaghia acutiloba
A lovely, small and delicate bulbous perennial, with garlic-scented, edible leaves and sweetly fragrant flowers almost all year round....
Ceropegia crassifolia var. crassifolia
Members of the genus Ceropegia in the strict sense, are characterized by tubular flowers specially adapted for the temporary capture of insects for pollination...
Ipomoea oenotheroides
An eye-catching, drought-resistant shrublet with bright pink ‘morning glory’ flowers in summer and silvery stems sprouting from inedible tuberous...
Chrysocoma ciliata
A dense, slender-stemmed shrublet that boasts with its alluring, bright yellow, globular flowerheads....
Crotalaria magaliesbergensis
Crotalaria magaliesbergensis is small shrub that sprouts annually from a woody rootstock, to produce many, fragrant, yellow flowers. It will be a great...
Alsophila dregei
A handsome form plant, with a head of dark green fronds atop a stout trunk, for full sun or light shade. This plant is also known as Cyathea dregei....
Waltheria indica
Waltheria indica with its soft little yellow flowers and zig-zag-edged leaves, can be pruned into an attractive, bushy and hardy pot plant....
Rhynchosia albissima
A bright yellow-flowered, robust and erect indigenous herb, velvety with silvery grey hairs. Its roots are used in traditional medicine to treat male impotence,...
Bauhinia petersiana subsp. macrantha
This low-growing, evergreen tree or scrambler, boasts with large, pleasantly scented white flowers in midsummer....
Brachystelma foetidum
A small, herbaceous perennial from the grasslands, with a large, flattened, underground, potato-like tuber, and unusual purple-brown and greenish yellow...
Ledebouria cooperi
A widespread and common species usually associated with water or moist vegetation types, Cooper’s African Hyacinth is an attractive, small bulbous...