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Dovyalis zeyheri
This is a tree with a most unusual and apparently unexplained feature. At certain times of the year the leaves emit a smell resembling that of carrion....
Drimia altissima
If you are looking for one of those mass flowering, tall bulbs, this is the one....
Dyschoriste setigera
This is a delightful low-growing groundcover up to 150-300mm high that requires little or no maintenance and is particularly suitable for water-wise gardens...
Ehretia rigida
Ehretia rigida is a deciduous small tree or shrub, usually multi-stemmed, with an untidy rounded crown. It has tangled branches which arch downwards or...
Elephantorrhiza burkei
This low -growing tree boasts fragrant, creamy white to yellow flowers in early summer and can also be successfully grown in a container, as it has a non-aggressive...
Elephantorrhiza elephantina
Underground trees might sound like a new environmentalist movement, but these fascinating plants do exist in reality. In more than one way, they've...
Elionurus muticus
Elionurus muticus is an ornamental grass that forms dense tufts with wiry, narrow leaf blades and showy, curved inflorescences. This grass is easily distinguished...
Empodium elongatum
Autumn stars, elusive among grasses, are spotted by their bright yellow starry flowers....
Encephalartos lanatus
Encephalartos lanatus is normally a medium-sized, single-stemmed plant about 1–1,5 m high. In the garden, it enjoys a position in full sun...
Englerophytum magalismontanum
This species is better known by its Afrikaans name, stamvrug and is one of South Africa's more popular veld fruits, a thirst quencher to...
Eragrostis superba
The large, flat, attractive spikelets on inflorescences that occur well above the basal tuft of leaves make this one of the easiest Eragrostis...
Erica cerinthoides
Erythrina lysistemon
Erythrina lysistemon is a lovely, small to medium-sized, deciduous tree with a spreading crown and brilliant red flowers. It is a handsome tree at...
Erythrina zeyheri
It is only in Africa where one can find this stunning, hardy, deciduous shrublet that produces brilliant scarlet flowers in late spring — local is...
Erythrophysa transvaalensis
Erythrophysa transvaalensis is an exciting deciduous shrub or small tree, suitable for small gardens in frost-free areas....
Euclea natalensis
Euclea natalensis is an adaptable, easy-to-grow tree with a neat, dense, rounded crown of dark green foliage, decorative pale, gold-tinged new growth,...
Euclea undulata
Euclea undulata is one of the most common small trees across the vast subtropical and central interior regions of southern Africa. It is a most variable...
Eucomis autumnalis
Handsome, striking, unique, peculiar, these are the kind of words that are used to describe this unusual plant....
Eulophia welwitschii
This attractive orchid makes a striking display in summer with its bright yellow inflorescence, especially when occurring in dense stands. It is often...
Euphorbia cooperi
Euphorbia cooperi is a succulent tree up to 7 m tall, with conspicuous candelabra-like branches. This plant has milky latex highly poisonous to humans...