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Nymphoides thunbergiana
This is a pretty, fast-growing, perennial water plant with flat, rounded, floating leaves, and delicate white and yellow flowers in summer. It makes a...
Crocosmia aurea
This is a very attractive garden plant with a number of bright orange flowers in a full spike at the end of the flower stalk. The tall stalks make it desirable...
Gardeners need not hesitate on the choice of tree if the keurboom is on the list; it is a beautiful tree, suitable for both the domestic garden and big...
Erica perspicua
The Kogelberg Biosphere is well known for its plant diversity, with ericas being plentiful, amongst them Erica perspicua, one of the most well...
Lampranthus aureus
One of the most colourful succulent plants is undoubtedly the beautiful bright orange Lampranthus aureus. It is one of the 'must-have' plants for...
Crinum paludosum
This is a very beautiful lily with funnel-shaped flowers that are white to pale pink, enhanced by reddish stigmas. Crinum paludosum is a slender,...
Dovyalis caffra
Dovyalis caffra is a lovely evergreen fruit tree or shrub. It is one of the three Dovyalis species, together with D. zeyheri (wild...
Baleria repens
The small bush violet produces masses of pretty tubular flowers and will happily scramble up into surrounding vegetation if conditions are good....
Lessertia frutescens
Lessertia frutescens is a much-respected and long-used medicinal plant that is also an attractive garden plant, and has been cultivated in gardens...
Schotia afra var. afra
This delightful, small, water-wise tree is a must for the home gardener who wants an attractive evergreen tree. ...
Dracaena aletriformis
The large-leaved dragon tree is a wonderful, showy foliage plant with large strap-shaped leaves in rosettes at the tips of the branches, ideal for shady...
Ficus sur
The broom cluster fig is a key element in the environment providing medicine, food, shade and shelter for all nature of animals, large and small. This...
Searsia chirindensis
The red currant, Searsia chirindensis, is an attractive, African tree with lovely reddish autumn foliage. It is common throughout the eastern part...
Chironia linoides
Flowering during the warm summer months, usually from Christmas until late February, Chironia linoides adds splashes of colour to the garden. The plants...
Kniphofia linearifolia
This is an attractive plant, with showy greenish yellow to yellow flowers and long, narrow leaves. It is suited to temperate gardens where it forms a strong...
Asparagus densiflorus
Asparagus densiflorus is an extremely versatile perennial, evergreen plant that can be used as a groundcover or container plant in full sun or light...
Pavetta gardeniifolia
Masses of attractive creamy-white nectar-rich flowers hang from branches of glossy dark green foliage and their sweet fragrance fills the air at Christmas...
Athanasia dentata
Green and golden is the best way to describe Athanasia dentata....
Freylinia lanceolata
The honey bell-bush is a shrub or small tree with a charm all of its own, and attracts hosts of butterflies and other pollinators....
Cussonia paniculata
This evergreen tree makes a beautiful focal point in a garden as it has an unusual shape, interesting gnarled bark and stunning, large, grey-green leaves....