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Mimetes cucullatus
Mimetes cucullatus is eye-catching, unusual and colourful all year round, and it is among the easiest members of the protea family to grow....
Stenoglottis woodii
This easy to grow, miniature, terrestrial orchid from the eastern seaboard of South Africa, provides a long-flowering summer display on a protected patio...
Berkheya purpurea
A prickly thistle, Berkheya purpurea turns into a surprisingly beautiful perennial when flowering in midsummer....
Toddalia asiatica
Did you know that we have an indigenous orange in South Africa? This plant,Toddalia asiatica, is a woody vine (a liana) and bears fruit which, although...
Syncolostemon latidens
The subtle beauty of the little known mauve-pink plume bush, Syncolostemon latidens, has won the hearts of those who have seen this small perennial shrub...
Agapanthus caulescens
Polygala virgata
This charming slender shrub, bearing spikes of bright purple magenta winged flowers is an eye-catcher in any garden. Polygala virgata is one of the beautiful...
Cussonia spicata
The cabbage-tree is a strikingly beautiful garden tree which is widely cultivated both locally and abroad for its striking evergreen foliage. Its unusual...
Asclepias albens
This is the most widespread species of Asclepias in South Africa....
Galpinia transvaalica
This tree is part of a small family of herbs, small trees and shrubs found in subtropical and tropical regions. Its attractive flowerheads and coloured...
Vepris lanceolata
What a lovely, underrated shrub or tree-a plant that South Africans can definitely try in their gardens in the future!...
Kniphofia gracilis
Kniphofias, or red-hot pokers as they are more commonly known, are popular, showy garden plants that have been valued for their dramatic appearance in...
Lagenaria sphaerica
This vigorous climber is a close relative of the calabash and bears large, white, fragrant flowers which open in the evening, and unique mottled green...
Buddleja glomerata
The Karoo sagewood is an attractive foliage plant with silvery, scalloped leaves and heads of yellow flowers during spring and summer. It forms a small...
Harpephyllum caffrum
This is an attractive evergreen tree that is useful as an ornamental garden tree and for attracting birds and butterflies into the garden.It is popularly...
Phoenix reclinata
This graceful palm with its characteristic slender, leaning stems is a feature of riverine bush and forest in the eastern parts of the country. It is almost...
Tulbaghia violacea
This is a popular garden plant that is useful for difficult hot corners of the garden as it will tolerate prolonged drought, although it flourishes with...
Millettia grandis
This is an attractive shade tree which can also be grown as a specimen tree to display its grey bark, coppery red young leaves and flower buds, lilac to...
Ammocharis longifolia
The name Malgas lily is taken from the abundance of this bulb in the Malgas area near the Breede River in the Cape. It is one of South Africa's showiest...
Brunsvigia josephinae
This plant has by far the biggest bulb and inflorescence among the geophytes in South Africa. Its large striking umbels are easily visible in the veld...