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Breonadia salicina
A handsome, tall, evergreen tree, suitable for big gardens and parks, with a straight trunk and a dense, narrow crown, known to be an excellent wood for...
Brunsvigia bosmaniae
Brunsvigia bosmaniae produces a dazzling floral display during autumn when little else is flowering in the veld. More or less 21 days after a late summer...
Brunsvigia josephinae
This plant has by far the biggest bulb and inflorescence among the geophytes in South Africa. Its large striking umbels are easily visible in the veld...
Brunsvigia orientalis
Brunsvigia orientalis is one of the exciting surprises experienced in the late summer, when little else is flowering. The emergence of large pinkish...
Buddleja glomerata
The Karoo sagewood is an attractive foliage plant with silvery, scalloped leaves and heads of yellow flowers during spring and summer. It forms a small...
Buddleja saligna
Buddleja saligna is a tree up to 10 m tall in warm moist areas but usually 4 to 5 metres in Highveld areas. ...
Bulbine abyssinica
The bushy bulbine, Bulbine abyssinica, is a hardy, water-wise plant that offers a brilliant yellow display when in flower. Inflorescences with...
Bulbine narcissifolia
The grey-green, laxly twisted leaves and compact inflorescence of yellow flowers and white bracts covering the flower buds, make the strap-leaved bulbine, Bulbine...
Cadaba aphylla
Calanthe sylvatica
A robust, terrestrial orchid with large, pale lilac or purple blooms during summer....
Calpurnia aurea
With decorative foliage, showy yellow flowers and a graceful habit, Calpurnia aurea is an asset in any garden....
Canthium armatum
A shrub or small armed tree with fragrant white flowers in summer followed by edible fruits, yellow or reddish when ripe, with a shape that varies based...
Caputia oribiensis
Caputia oribiensis is an ascending, sparsely branched, drought tolerant, succulent shrublet, belonging to the daisy family (Asteraceae), with showy,...
Caputia tomentosa
A very striking shrublet with beautiful silvery white, cylindrical succulent leaves and yellow discoid-daisy flowerheads in late summer and autumn. It...
Carissa bispinosa
The genus Carissa consists of evergreen shrubs and trees, with handsome, glossy foliage and fragrant, starry-white, jasmine-like flowers. Ornamental and...
Carissa sebrabergensis
The Sebraberg numnum is a rare shrub from the Sebraberg in northern Kaokoveld, Namibia. It is a diminutive, layered evergreen, spiny shrub, with small...
Cassine peragua
Cassine peragua is a medium-sized tree suitable for suburban gardens, with fragrant flowers and decorative, bird-attracting fruits, but its most attractive...
Cenchrus ciliaris
Cenchrus ciliaris is a perennial, tufted grass. The inflorescence is a bristly 'spike' (like a cat's tail) and is nearly always purple to...
Cephalaria pungens
Attractive cream, white or pale yellow flower heads, with protruding greyish anthers, attracts you from afar, especially when growing gregariously and...
Cephalaria zeyheriana
A well-adapted grassland perennial with elongated inflorescence stalks, white or creamy white flower heads, with protruding stamens. Known from the northern...