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Delosperma lydenbergense
This flat-growing ground cover or small shrub with its purple flowers can take full sun and is an attractive plant for gardens in warmer climates....
Delosperma frutescens
The dwarf tree mesemb is a long-lived, slow-growing, ascending, much branched, tree-shaped mesemb with greyish, smooth stems, succulent greyish-green leaves...
Delosperma abbottii
A cliff-dwelling, mat-forming, mesemb with yellow to magenta flowers in summer, known only from sandstone cliffs in the Pondoland region, in the Eastern...
Dalbergia obovata
Dalbergia melanoxylon
A beautiful, small, spiny tree, with fragrant, white, pea-like flowers in dense clusters in early summer; it also produces attractive purple-black heartwood...
Dalbergia armata
Dalbergia armata has attractive acacia-like leaves and makes an excellent bonsai tree. It is a rather distinct climber, with stout thorns and it is a member...
Dais cotinifolia
The pompon tree is one of the best known and well-loved indigenous trees, tough enough to be used as a street tree and small enough to fit into most gardens....
Cyrtanthus falcatus
This beautiful cyrtanthus with its curious 'shepherd's crook' flower stem and long arching leaves is very easily cultivated and deserves to...
Cyphostemma juttae
The tree grape is a slow-growing succulent with a huge swollen trunk (caudiciform). ...
Cyperus textilis
This is a decorative waterside plant that can also be used to weave baskets and sleeping mats or to make rolled twine....
Cyperus prolifer
Cyperus prolifer is an attractive, medium-sized member of the sedge family, suitable for waterside planting. Although much smaller, the plant bears a superficial...
Cynorhiza typica
Cynorhiza typica is a striking wild carrot, the root of which was once commonly used in the West Coast region of the Cape to brew an intoxicating honey...
Cynodon dactylon
This well-known grass is adaptable and is found almost world-wide, from deserts to the lawn in your garden. Most gardeners, if not most people, will know...
Cymbopogon caesius
Cymbopogon caesius is a densely tufted perennial grass, which has swollen lowest racemes (an unbranched inflorescence axis with pedicellate spikelets)...
Cylindrophyllum comptonii
Cylindrophyllum comptonii is a tough, mat-forming, cushion-like, succulent plant and thrives in nutrient-poor soils. With its finger-like leaves, this...
Cyclopia pubescens
Cyclopia pubescens is a very attractive, yet highly threatened species, endemic to the extreme east of the Fynbos Biome. Its club-like clusters of vibrant...
Cyanotis speciosa
Cyanotis speciosa is a perennial ground cover that provides all-year-round colour with its exquisite powderpuff flowers that are either blue, pink or purple....
Cyanella lutea subsp. lutea
Cyanella lutea subsp. lutea is a rewarding, long-lived cormous perennial that blooms reliably every year. ...
Cyanella hyacinthoides
Cussonia transvaalensis
Cussonia transvaalensis is a striking, very useful tree as a focal point in the landscape, due to its strong architectural form; it may also be used...