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Haworthiopis attenuata var. attenuata ‘Enon’
Haworthiopis attenuata var. attenuata ‘Enon’ is a rare, ornamental, cliff-hugger, with numerous rosettes of dull green, triangular-lanceolate,...
Anemone bracteata
Anemone bracteata is an understory plant, with densely hairy stems and leaf stalks, and greenish white flowers in summer; the whole plant is harvested...
Acmadenia alternifolia
A robust, fine-textured, floriferous, aromatic shrublet from the fynbos....
Haworthia angustifolia var. baylissii
Haworthia angustifolia var. baylissii is a dwarf cliff-hugger, with numerous small rosettes of dull green, triangular-lanceolate, succulent leaves and...
Pavonia columella
Pavonia columella, a hardy and aromatic subshrub, shows off its delicate, white to pink flowers all year round....
Dovyalis longispina
‘The Dovyalis with the long spines’, that is how one can make sense of its botanical name. With its bright orange-red, edible fruits and very...
Pseudarthria hookeri
This large shrub has vibrant, eye catching flowers in late summer. It earned the common name ‘bug-catcher’ because it is reputed to catch bedbugs...
Diospyros natalensis
A beautiful, densely branched, evergreen shrub or small tree, with attractive, glossy, dark green leaves, small white flowers in spring and yellowish to...
Chloris virgata
Chloris virgata is a pioneer grass that grows on bare ground and is used as pasture and hay grass, commonly known as feather finger grass and distinguishable...
Diascia mollis
Sweet, rewarding, ground covering herbaceous perennial for both light-sunny and semi-shaded areas, adding bright colour to the garden and hanging baskets...
Ledebouria inquinata
A dwarf bulbous plant with tapered green leaves, which are usually attractively spotted with dark brown spots and blotches. The bulbs are covered with...
Sesamum senecioides
A prostrate perennial, with annual creeping stems and white to pinkish flowers. It takes over open spaces in grassland and it is used as substitute for...
Haworthiopsis tessellata
This species forms small to large clumps of numerous, small plants made up of short, leafy stems. Its leaves are customarily dark green, more or less deltoid,...
Bulbine rupicola
A dwarf cliff-hugger, with numerous dwarf rosettes of dull green, rounded, soft, succulent leaves from cliffs in the southwestern corner of the Eastern...
Stapelia gigantea
Stapelia gigantea has the largest flowers (up to 40 cm across) of any plant in our region and is one of the easiest stapeliads to grow. Plants are widely...
Searsia incisa
Rub-rub currant is an attractive shrub, and, as the common name says, it has edible, furry fruits, that need to be rubbed in the hand a couple of times...
Ledebouria burkei subsp. burkei
Dwarf bulbous plant usually with leaves pressed to the ground or presented close to the ground. The leaves are brownish-green and usually deep red underneath....
Ledebouria ensifolia
This is a fairly common species found mainly in the Eastern Cape Province; it is easily confused with several other species of Ledebouria, be sure to look...
Plumbago zeylanica
Plumbago zeylanica is a gorgeous, eye-catching shrub that adds intrigue into any garden; it is covered with pretty trusses of small white or rarely pale...
Leonotis ocymifolia
Leonotis ocymifolia, the lesser known relative to the well-known Leonotis leonurus, is in many ways as worthy of recognition, not only for its usefulness,...