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Craibia brownii
An eye-catching rounded tree, covered with white to creamy pink, strongly scented flowers in spring and early summer, that will take a starring role in...
Erica unicolor subsp. georgensis
This shrubby heath produces clusters of red, tubular flowers with light yellow tips, which make it very eye-catching when reaching its flowering peak in...
Haemanthus humilis subsp. hirsutus
One of the best available bulbous plants to grow in those rocky, shady spots, the rabbit’s ears knows how to put on a show. Whether it is in fruit,...
Cineraria geifolia
A cheery, floriferous, spring-flowering ground cover, widespread from the coastal shores to higher altitudes inland and it is easy to grow, making it a...
Ledebouria leptophylla
A miniature and very well-hidden species, which is easily overlooked in the field because of its small size and grass-like leaves. ...
Aeollanthus rydingianus
A very aromatic, fast-growing, branched, semi-succulent shrublet, with sticky, green leaves, bearing mauve, 2-lipped flowers in winter and spring. It is...
Ledebouria loskopica
With its hairy leaves and strongly scented flowers, the Loskop African hyacinth was only recently formally recognized as a new species, despite being first...
Freesia grandiflora
A beautiful, red-flowered, bulbous plant that deserves more horticultural attention. It is perfect for woodland gardens or as a pot plant and performs...
Ledebouria ovalifolia
This curious dwarf species has a restricted distribution mainly in the southern, western and Northern Cape. It makes a great pot plant where it quickly...
Aloe andersonii
A cliff-dwelling grass aloe, with soft leaves drooping from the sandstone cliff faces of Mount Anderson. It flowers in spring, when the solitary...
Putterlickia pyracantha
An awesome multi-stemmed shrub or small tree, with the most attractive flowers that become redder and more showy after they open. Its spiny character makes...
Haworthiopsis reinwardtii
A clump-forming, spotty or zebra-striped, spiral leaved succulent, with an intriguing miniature size and outstanding form....
Apodolirion amyanum
Hibiscus coddii
An upright shrubby perennial with attractive, bright red flowers in autumn; it is a decorative garden ornamental or container plant in full sun or partial...
Rhoicissus rhomboidea
A very adaptable, climbing plant that is suitable for indoors as well as outdoors. It is rather vigorous in its spread and makes a great cover for those...
Schotia capitata
A dwarf relative of the weeping boer-bean, with a short, bushy form and numerous scarlet flowers in dense heads in spring and early summer, common in eastern...
Encephalartos nubimontanus
A stunning, desirable, fast-growing cycad, with beautiful, twisted, grey-blue leaves; illegal collecting of wild plants, because it is in high demand as...
Cyanella hyacinthoides
Ledebouria hypoxidioides
A highly unique species in the genus since it is the only species with leaves that are densely covered with shaggy hairs. This species is also only known...
Cyanella lutea subsp. lutea
Cyanella lutea subsp. lutea is a rewarding, long-lived cormous perennial that blooms reliably every year. ...