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Search results for "Apocynaceae" (displaying 20 of 68 on page 1)
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Zysmalobium involucratum
... be recently reduced to subfamily level under the family Apocynaceae. Xysmalobium is derived from the Greek, xusma ... bracts. There are 480 genera and 4 800 species in the Apocynaceae family, most of them found in tropical and warm ...
Xysmalobium undulatum
Xysmalobium pedifoetidum
Xysmalobium involucratum
... being recently reduced to subfamily level under the family Apocynaceae. Xysmalobium is derived from the Greek, xusma ... bracts. There are 480 genera and 4 800 species in the Apocynaceae family, most of them found in tropical and warm ...
Tavaresia barklyi
Tabernaemontana ventricosa
Tabernaemontana elegans
Strophanthus speciosus
Strophanthus amboensis
Stenostelma umbelliferum
Stapelia leendertziae
Stapelia gigantea
... destroyed. Because of the many diseases to which succulent Apocynaceae (including Stapelia ) are prone, they are ...
Riocreuxia genus
Rauvolfia caffra
Raphionacme hirsuta
Quaqua mammilaris
Pentarrhinum insipidum
Pachypodium succulentum
... to its swollen stem. The genus Pachypodium belongs in the Apocynaceae family and has 23 species, of which 18 are found ... are now synonyms for this species. Most of plants of the Apocynaceae family are succulent or shrub-like, have milky ...