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Search results for "Asteraceae" (displaying 20 of 248 on page 9)

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Dicoma anomala

Common names: fever bush, stomach bush (Eng.); maagbitterwortel, kalwerbossie, koorsbossie, gryshout, maagbossie (Afr.); hloenya, mohlasetse (South Sotho); inyongan
Family: Asteraceae

26 / 02 / 2007 | Marinda Koekemoer | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Arctotheca populifolia

Common names: beach pumpkin (Eng.); seepampoen, tonteldoek (blom), strandgousblom (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

19 / 02 / 2007 | Marinda Koekemoer | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Platycarpha glomerata
Common names: imboziza, inyathelo, imbozisayabesuthu (Zulu for P. glomerata )
Family: Asteraceae

25 / 12 / 2006 | Marinda Koekemoer | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Arctotis fastuosa

Orange form of A.fastuosa
Common names: Namaqualand arctotis, Iceland daisy, Namaqua marigold, double Namaqualand daisy (Eng.); Namakwagousblom, bittergousblom (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

11 / 12 / 2006 | Liesl Van der Walt | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Ursinia anthemoides subsp. anthemoides

Flowers and foliage
Common names: mountain marigold ( Eng. ); bergmagriet, ringmagriet (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

11 / 12 / 2006 | N Swelankomo | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis

Mature adult bush with many upright branches
Common names: rhinoceros bush, rhenoster bush (Eng.); renosterbos, rhenosterbos (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

25 / 09 / 2006 | Nicola Bergh | Compton Herbarium
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Gazania krebsiana

Gazania krebsiana
Common names: terracotta gazania (Eng.); gousblom, botterblom, rooi gazania (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

... florets (the florets at the margin of a flowerhead in the Asteraceae) is mainly a magnificent dark red or orange, with ... why they are one of the most successful survivors of the Asteraceae.  Gazania krebsiana is pollinated by a number of ...

18 / 09 / 2006 | Werner Voigt | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Gerbera ambigua

Gerbera ambigua
Common names: pink and white gerbera (E), botterblom, Griekwateebossie (A), moarubetso (SS), ucabazane (Z).
Family: Asteraceae

29 / 05 / 2006 | Isabel Johnson | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Gerbera viridifolia

A pale form of G.viridifolia
Common names: blushing barberton daisy (Eng.); griquateebossie (Afr.); iyeza lamazi (isiXhosa)
Family: Asteraceae

... genus Gerbera belongs to the tribe Mutisieae of the family Asteraceae, and consists of approximately 29 species, 15 of ...

22 / 05 / 2006 | Isabel Johnson | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Arctotis venusta

Arctotis venusta
Common names: Karoo marigold (Eng.); Karoo gousblom (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

06 / 02 / 2006 | Liesl Van der Walt | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Hilliardiella aristata

Hilliardiella aristata  with Acraea horta
Common names: silver vernonia (E), ihlambihloshana, isibhaha sasenkangala, umlahlankosi-omhlophe, ileleva (Z)
Family: Asteraceae

... The new name honours Dr Olive May Hilliard who studied Asteraceae in KwaZulu-Natal. There are 8 species in the ...

12 / 12 / 2005 | Alice Notten | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Arctotis stoechadifolia

Common names: coast arctotis, silver arctotis, trailing arctotis (Eng.); kusgousblom, bittergousblom, witgousblom (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

05 / 12 / 2005 | Liesl Van der Walt | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Helichrysum foetidum

Helichrysum foetidum inflorescence
Common names: stinking strawflower, stinking yellow everlasting (Eng.); muishondblaar, geelsewejaartjie, vleisewejaartjie (Afr.); isicwe (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae

14 / 11 / 2005 | S Nonkululeko | Pretoria NBG
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Helichrysum appendiculatum

Common names: sheep's ears everlasting (Eng.); skaapoorbossie (Afr.); senkotoana (South Sotho); ibode, indlebeyemvu (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae

31 / 10 / 2005 | Julia Mnengwane | Pretoria NBG
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Felicia amelloides

Felicia amelloides
Common names: blue felicia bush, shrubby felicia, bush felicia, blue felicia, blue marguerite, blue daisy bush, Paris daisy (Eng.); bloumagriet, blou-astertjie (Afr
Family: Asteraceae

... also available.)     The flowerheads are typical of the Asteraceae and are about 30 mm in diameter and are borne on ... found in the Western and Eastern Cape. Within the family Asteraceae, or daisy family, these two genera are placed in ...

03 / 10 / 2005 | S Smithies | Pretoria NBG
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Hymenolepis crithmifolia

Hymenolepis crithmifolia
Common names: coulter-bush (Eng.); koulterbos, pôbos, pokbos (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

... belongs to the tribe Anthemideae, under the family Asteraceae. The genus is endemic to the Northern, Western and ...

12 / 09 / 2005 | Paul Herman | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Dimorphotheca jucunda

Striking purple flowers
Common names: trailing pink daisy, trailing mauve daisy (Eng.); bergbietou, bloubietou (Afr.); umasigcolo nkonekazi, u-Mesigcolo-nkonekazi (Zulu) (= Osteospermum ju
Family: Asteraceae

... are dark purple or yellow tipped blackish. See more about Asteraceae flowers . The fruits (cypselae) that develop from ...

04 / 07 / 2005 | Paul Herman | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Athrixia phylicoides

Flowers of Athrixia phylicoides
Common names: Bushman's tea (Eng.); Boesmanstee (Afr.); Icholocholo, itshelo, umthsanelo (isiZulu)
Family: Asteraceae

23 / 05 / 2005 | Giles Mbambezeli | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Euryops tenuissimus

Common names: resin bush (Eng.); harpuisbos; grootharpuisbos; kortbeenharbuisbossie (subsp. trifurcatus) (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

04 / 04 / 2005 | Marinda Koekemoer | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Senecio tamoides

Flowers and leaves
Common names: canary creeper ( Eng. ); kanarieklimop (Afr.); uqobaqoba (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae

04 / 04 / 2005 | Cherise Viljoen | Kirstenbosch NBG
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