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Search results for "Gladiolus" (displaying 20 of 24 on page 1)
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Gladiolus virgatus
... : Images courtesy of I. Ebrahim and H. Pickering Gladiolus virgatus is an extremely pretty variety of the pink ... soils, derived from shale. Having a relatively long tube, Gladiolus virgatus is adapted to pollination by long-tongued ... rostrata ) have been observed visiting the flowers. Gladiolus seeds have wings and are thus dispersed by wind. ...
Gladiolus venustus
... numerous, fairly large, light brown, broadly winged seeds. Gladiolus venustus has a wide distribution across the ... are attracted to the fairly large flowers of Gladiolus venustus , with nectar guides on the upper third of ... population numbers of mature plants. For many species of Gladiolus , molerats are important dispersal agents. Corms ...
Gladiolus vandermerwei
... very specialized habitat in the lower Breede River Valley. Gladiolus vandermerwei is adapted for pollination by ... a liberal amount of low sugar concentration nectar. Gladiolus There are very few records of this species in ... the genus Homoglossum . In 1989, the species was placed in Gladiolus , by Goldblatt & De Vos. Gladiolus vandermerwei is ...
Gladiolus stefaniae
... green leaves with a prominent central vein. Fig . 2 . Gladiolus stefaniae showing lower tepal white markings. ... oval-shaped seeds are surrounded by a light brown wing. Gladiolus stefaniae is only known from 2 disjunct locations ... or in partial shade in relatively wet gullies. Fig . 3. Gladiolus stefaniae showing curved anthers. (Photo Graham ...
Gladiolus serpenticola
... Ngwenya Lowveld National Botanical Garden August 2022 Gladiolus serpenticola is a tall, upright, deciduous, ... Winged brown seeds are produced in an oblong capsule. Gladiolus serpenticola is endemic to the Barberton district ... Lepidoptera species, including Large Yellow Underwing and Gladiolus Thrips. Serpentine soils are toxic for most plants, ...
Gladiolus sericeovillosus
... is late summer and autumn, mainly from February to April. Gladiolus sericeovillosus has two subspecies namely subsp. ... distribution in northeastern South Africa and Zimbabwe. Gladiolus sericeovillosus is similar, and closely related to G . oppositiflorus . Gladiolus sericeovillosus is a common species of eastern ...
Gladiolus rehmannii
... Malesolo Magoele Millennium Seed Bank Partnership May 2015 Gladiolus rehmannii is a plant predominantly suited to dry ... mm, translucent reddish brown, broadly and evenly winged. Gladiolus rehmannii is a summer-rainfall species in southern ... dominated by Faurea saligna . The large flowers of Gladiolus rehmannii have short perianth tubes, and despite ...
Gladiolus permeabilis
... Marié Delport and Pieter Bester for providing images of Gladiolus permeabilis (via iNaturalist). Gladiolus permeabilis is a deciduous (sheds leaves annually) ... mm wide, often thickened in the middle. Fig. 2. Habit of Gladiolus permeabilis (Photo: Gigi Laidler) Four to eight ...
Gladiolus papilio
... : the author thanks Alison Young and Kaveesha Naicker. Gladiolus papilio is a deciduous, summer-growing, cormous ... in the field, as a result of vegetative reproduction. Gladiolus papilio is pollinated by bees, possibly the ... capensis , and the flowers do not produce any scent. Gladiolus Gladiolus papilio can be propagated from seeds. The ...
Gladiolus oppositiflorus
... Lize Agenbag Pretoria National Botanical Garden May 2006 Gladiolus oppositiflorus is a summer-growing plant, 0.6-1.6 m ... capsule and the small (4-6 mm), round seeds are winged. Gladiolus oppositiflorus is endemic to the summer rainfall ... areas in open grassland, often among rocks along streams. Gladiolus oppositiflorus is pollinated by species of flies ...
Gladiolus monticola
... time is mid to late summer, from mid December to March. Gladiolus monticola is similar to G. brevifolius (autumn ... median stripe with pink border, is also characteristic. Gladiolus monticola has a highly restricted range and is ... fewer individuals in the population flower annually. Gladiolus This species is not easily found in cultivation. It ...
Gladiolus loteniensis
... separating the centre and upper part of the anthers. Gladiolus loteniensis is known to bloom from December to January. Gladiolus loteniensis is distinguished by its tiny flowers, ... lower tepals. Goldblatt and Manning (1998) proposed that Gladiolus loteniensis was comparable with Gladiolus involutus ...
Gladiolus longicollis
... the afternoon, when they release a strong sweet fragrance. Gladiolus longicollis grows in the Eastern Cape and ... in weight, with a papery wing, and are dispersed by wind. Gladiolus Gladiolus longicollis is seldom cultivated. It is not a showy ...
Gladiolus liliaceus
... Preez) for making their images available via iNaturalist. Gladiolus liliaceus is a perennial herb, and cormous geophyte ... broadly and evenly winged seeds, 4–5 x 3.0–3.5 mm. Gladiolus liliaceus can be differentiated from the other ... and a perianth tube ranging from 25–36 mm in length. Gladiolus liliaceus is native to South Africa and is ...
Gladiolus guthriei
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden June 2012 Gladiolus guthriei is a winter-growing, summer-dormant ... high including the flowering stalk. The flowering time for Gladiolus guthriei is during the autumn/winter months from ... releasing the seeds about six weeks after flowering. Gladiolus guthriei occurs naturally in the Cape Floristic ...
Gladiolus floribundus
TSP Mizpah Hoffman Threatened Species Unit January 2022 Gladiolus floribundus is a geophyte, which produces corms ... of greyish purple and dull green and 40 to 50 mm long. Gladiolus floribundus is closely related to G. miniatus , G. ... limestone outcrops where one can find G. miniatus growing. Gladiolus floribundus is distributed across the Cape region, ...
Gladiolus ecklonii
... The seeds are shaped like a disc and are reddish brown . Gladiolus ecklonii is one of the most widespread species of southern African Gladiolus in the summer-rainfall zone. It occurs naturally ... nectar on the flowers, and in so doing, pollinating them. Gladiolus Gladiolus can be propagated from corms and seeds. ...
Gladiolus dalenii
Free State NBG Stemmer Ngalo Free State NBG April 2011 Gladiolus dalenii is a deciduous evergreen perennial. It ... clasping. Flowering in midsummer (December to February). Gladiolus dalenii grows in the summer rainfall regions of the ... produced by the flowers. The corms are eaten by bush pigs. Gladiolus It is an easy plant to grow, and can be cultivated ...
Gladiolus crassifolius
... Zondi KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden August 2017 Gladiolus crassifolius is usually a solitary, herbaceous, ... usually more or less transparent. The flowering time of Gladiolus crassifolius is mainly late summer (February and ... but sometimes August to November, especially after fires. Gladiolus crassifolius is a widespread species of eastern ...
Gladiolus caryophyllaceus
... Flowering takes place from late August to late October. Gladiolus caryophyllaceus is widespread in the Fynbos Biome ... has been established for more than 60 years. The genus Gladiolus has about 250 species and is native to tropical and ... which contains a very high number of endemic species. Gladiolus caryophyllaceus corms commence active growth in ...