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Search results for "Haworthiopsis" (displaying 9 of 9 on page 1)

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Haworthiopsis limifolia

Haworthiopsis limifolia
Common names: file-leaf haworthiopsis (Eng.); isihlalakahle, omathithibala, umathithibala (isiZulu)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... thanks Geoff Nichols for providing the images.     Haworthiopsis limifolia is a tough succulent plant that forms ... The seeds are black and flaky, in shape and texture. Haworthiopsis limifolia occurs naturally in Vryheid, ... plant growth and this further helps them to avoid fires. Haworthiopsis Haworthiopsis limifolia grows best in a ...

28 / 03 / 2022 | Lungisani Zondi | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Haworthiopsis scabra var. starkiana

Haworthiopsis scabra var. starkiana
Common names: Schoemanspoort haworthiopsis (Eng.), Schoemanspoort dwergaalwyntjie (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... and early autumn. Fig. 2. A cluster of the Schoemanspoort haworthiopsis ( Haworthiopsis scabra var. starkiana) growing on a broad cliff ... at Schoemanspoort, in the Klein Karoo (Western Cape). Haworthiopsis scabra var. starkiana grows from Schoemanspoort ...

07 / 02 / 2022 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Haworthiopsis nigra

Haworthiopsis nigra
Common names: black haworthiopsis
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Zwane Pretoria National Botanical Garden December 2021 Haworthiopsis nigra is a small plant, with a short stem that ... has long stems, some reaching up to 400 mm in length. Haworthiopsis nigra is a variable species which is spread ... East in the Eastern Cape. In their natural habitat, Haworthiopsis nigra leaves are often covered with sand and ...

13 / 12 / 2021 | Sihle Nqentsu | Pretoria NBG
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Haworthiopsis attenuata

Haworthiopsis attenuata
Common names: zebra plant, zebra haworthiopsis (Eng.) sebra-dwergaalwyntjie (Afr.); intelezi (isiXhosa)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Botanical Garden August 2021 Acknowledgements: Image of Haworthiopsis attenuata in flower in habitat by Dewald du Plessis.   Haworthiopsis attenuata is a small, stemless, clustering, ... It flowers in summer, mainly in November and December. Haworthiopsis attenuata is widespread in the Eastern Cape, ...

09 / 08 / 2021 | Philisiwe Nonhlanhla Biyela | Pretoria NBG
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Haworthiopis attenuata var. attenuata ‘Enon’

Haworthiopsis attenuata ‘Enon’
Common names: Enon haworthiopsis (Eng.); Enon-dwergaalwyntjie (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Fig. 2. A close-up of two different clones of the Enon haworthiopsis growing in containers. Perianth tubular, ... and early autumn. Fig. 3. The inflorescence and flowers of Haworthiopsis attenuata ‘Enon’, plants growing in a container. This cremnophilous form of Haworthiopsis attenuata is confined to the Enon Conglomerate ...

15 / 07 / 2021 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Haworthiopsis tessellata

Haworthiopsis tessellata
Common names: veined haworthiopsis (Eng.); venstertjie (Afr.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Sihle Nqentsu Pretoria National Botanical Garden May 2021 Haworthiopsis tessellata is said to be a common and very ... and wiry, with two-lipped, off-white, greyish flowers. Haworthiopsis tessellata is widely spread in South Africa and ... one of the most adaptable, widespread and variable of the Haworthiopsis , primarily found in the summer rainfall ...

03 / 05 / 2021 | Sihle Nqentsu | Pretoria NBG
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Haworthiopsis reinwardtii

Haworthiopsis reinwardtii
Common names: Reinwardt's haworthiopsis, zebra wart (Eng.)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden September 2020 Haworthiopsis reinwardtii is a small, succulent-leaved, ... whitish pink, in long, thin inflorescences, in spring. Haworthiopsis reinwardtii can be easily be mistaken for H. ... the leaves of H. reinwardtii are thinner and narrower . Haworthiopsis reinwardtii is found growing on dry rocky hills ...

21 / 09 / 2020 | Bathabile Ndlovu | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Haworthiopsis coarctata

Haworthiopsis coarctata
Common names: crowded haworthiopsis
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden April 2019 Haworthiopsis coarctata has long stems packed with robust, ... tube is straight and the lower inner tepals are revolute . Haworthiopsis coarctata may be confused with H. reinwardtii , ... than those of H. reinwardtii .   The population of Haworthiopsis coarctata is concentrated in the Grahamstown ...

29 / 04 / 2019 | Katlego Selemela | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Different growth forms of Haworthiopsis. (S.D. Gildenhuys)
Family: Asphodelaceae

... Pretoria and Sean D. Gildenhuys Gariep Plants October 2018 Haworthiopsis is a genus of dwarf, succulent plants, that was ... to the previously recognized subgenera. The name Haworthiopsis alludes to the similar appearance of these ... treated in the latter genus. Members of the genus Haworthiopsis are characterised by their small rosettes of ...

08 / 10 / 2018 | Ronell R. Klopper | National Herbarium Pretoria
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