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Search results for "Lobelia" (displaying 6 of 6 on page 1)
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Lobelia valida
... branches, are flat and soft with coarsely toothed edges. Lobelia valida has deep blue flowers throughout summer. It ... crowded at the tops of the branches, are typical of lobelia. Looking closely, one will see the flowers are ... to collect nectar hidden at the base of a deep tube. Lobelia valida grows on limestone hills and coastal dunes ...
Lobelia pubescens
... Wall Harold Porter National Botanical Garden April 2018 Lobelia pubescens is a low-growing, soft, sprawling, ... blue and may have blue or white markings respectively. Lobelia pubescens grows in sunny to semi-shaded areas, on ... Waterfall at the Harold Porter National Botanical Garden. Lobelia pubescens is pollinated by many different insects, ...
Lobelia jasionoides
... Plants have been recorded resprouting after fire. Lobelia Lobelia jasionoides is ideal for areas where really low ... easily seen and appreciated. The easiest method of growing Lobelia jasionoides is from cuttings taken between July and ...
Lobelia aquaemontis
... there are some species with mauve, white or pink flowers. Lobelia aquaemontis is a small perennial, and it forms soft, ... are proudly displayed at the tips of the thin stems. Lobelia aquaemontis occurs naturally in the northern part ... (pers. comm.) noted the following plants growing with Lobelia aquaemontis, Aeollanthus parviflorus, Agapanthus ...
Lobelia anceps
... Forrester Harold Porter National Botanical Garden May 2011 Lobelia anceps is a variable sprawling herbaceous perennial ... and are presumably the pollinators of this species. Lobelia As this lobelia grows so easily from cuttings we, in the Harold ...
... lobes as carpels. The fruit is a dehiscent capsule. Lobelia, comprising more than 360 species, has a cosmopolitan ... shady, damp, coastal mountain slopes and forest floors. Lobelia flowers achieve cross-pollination by being ... Pollinators include a variety of bees and butterflies. Lobelia Lobelias make excellent edging plants in flower beds ...