Plants of the Week
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Lampranthus tenuifolius
Lampranthus tenuifolius is the ideal plant for the harsh conditions experienced on the Cape Flats. Its waterwise nature and beautiful flowers will provide...
Euryops virgatus
Euryops virgatus has an extremely limited distribution area, and there are only three very small populations left, totalling a few hundred plants....
Pelargonium scabroide
A fairly small pelargonium suited for small rockeries in partially shaded areas....
Dioscorea strydomiana
In a recent international publication the South African wild yam Dioscorea strydomiana was included among the world's 100 most threatened species....
Moraea longiaristata
Moraea longiaristata is endemic to the Caledon Swartberg, which is a very special mountain home to many endemic and threatened plant species. This...
Crassula congesta
A unique and intriguing dwarf succulent with sweet-smelling flowers well-suited to pot cultivation....
Moraea worcesterensis
The critically endangered Moraea worcesterensis with striking dark purple flowers is very scarce in cultivation....
Hermas villosa
The creamy green flowers of this fynbos shrublet usually light up the veld from late summer to late autumn. However its allure doesn't stop there....
Stayneria neilii
Scarce in cultivation, this attractive water-wise succulent shrub is not well known in horticulture but is ideal for arid gardens in the winter-rainfall...
Metarungia longistrobus
Metarungia longistrobus is an unusual, attractive evergreen shrub for the shade garden, with long orange-brown flowers in candle-shaped inflorescences...
Syncarpha recurvata
Syncarpha recurvata is a small, shrubby daisy with pretty pink flowerheads and attractive silvery foliage. This low shrub is endemic to a small area...
Erica quadrangularis
Erica quadrangularis is an easy-to-grow, graceful shrub, which turns white or pink during late winter, spring to early summer.when it gets covered in...
Pelargonium pseudoglutinosum
This is a fairly large, attractive pelargonium, which flowers throughout the year....
Berula repanda
Berula repanda is a luxuriantly foliaged plant, ideal for a garden pond or wet patch, and it is in full flower now....
Erica verticillata
How could a plant as hardy and strikingly beautiful as Erica verticillata have been allowed to reach the precipice of extinction? Fortunately the story...
Englerophytum natalense
An attractive garden plant, a tree with edible fruit and white-to-cream flowers....
Portulacaria armiana
Portulacaria armiana is a large succulent-leafed shrub bearing grey-green leaves and long perennial whipstick-like branches with sprays of soft white flowers....
Conophytum ficiforme
Conophytums, these peculiar gems with their highly reduced leaves and exposed surfaces, and with flowers resembling miniature shaving brushes, have fascinated...
Satyrium princeps
Satyrium princeps is a handsome but threatened terrestrial orchid from coastal sands in the southern part of the Western and Eastern Cape. Its long-lasting...
Berkeya barbata
A beauty to admire but painful to touch: handle with care. These sunflower-like daisies often make very attractive displays, but the thorns on the leaves,...