Plants of the Week
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Leucospermum lineare
Leucospermum lineare is a medium-sized shrub well suited to a larger, informal garden. The yellow sprawling form can also be planted in pots....
Senegalia mellifera subsp. detinens
This is a thorny shrub or small tree with sweetly scented flowers and with hard, attractive wood....
Codonorhiza corymbosa
A cheerful bulbous plant with striking blue to purple blooms that does wonderfully when planted in containers on a sunny patio and helps attract an interesting...
Nemesia suaveolens
Lapeirousia corymbosa
Lapeirousia corymbosa is now classified as Codonorhiza corymbosa ...
Euryops linearis
Euryops linearis is a showy, easy-to-grow, tall shrub, covered with bright yellow daisies in spring....
Grewia robusta
The sweetly scented Grewia robusta has beautiful, bright pink flowers. It is a frost-resistant, hardy shrub or small tree that is adaptable to...
Anastrabe integerrima
With its clusters of custard-yellow pouch-shaped flowers combined with very attractive leaves that contrast their dark green tops with silvery white and...
Erica scabriuscula
Erica scabriuscula is a most impressive, hardy erica that grows into a large bush covered with thousands of small white to pale pink flowers through...
Aloe gariepensis
Aloe gariepensis is a very hardy aloe from the arid regions of South Africa and Namibia and is restricted to the lower reaches of the Gariep River also...
Plecostachys serpyllifolia
An easy-to-grow, grey-leaved perennial that forms a mound as its slender stems tangle together most delightfully. Perfect for a mixed herbaceous border...
Hypocalyptus sophoroides
Hypocalyptus sophoroides is a graceful shrub producing lots of colour in spring along with a beautiful sweet fragrance....
Berzelia abrotanoides
Berzelia abrotanoides is a distinctive and beautiful, softly textured shrub endemic to the Western Cape. Displays of masses of fluffy ball-like flower...
Barleria heterotricha subsp.heterotricha
A hardy indigenous plant with interesting leaf colour and texture for sunny areas in your garden....
Pelargonium greytonense
This is a fairly small, fragrant pelargonium for the scented garden....
Grewia monticola
The mountain-loving Grewia monticola has beautiful, bright yellow flowers. It is a frost-resistant, hardy shrub or small tree that is adaptable to all...
Clump-forming perennials, cherished around the globe for their lush foliage and ornate blooms of white, yellow, pink and red....
Crassula alpestris
A unique and intriguing dwarf succulent from the Crassula family with the curious ability to cover itself in sand....
Lannea discolor
Conophytym obcordellum subsp. obcordellum
Minute but spectacular; Conophytum species are amongst the most intriguing of all dwarf succulents and C. obcordellum is perhaps one of the most spectacular...