Plants of the Week
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Pseudoselago serrata
This striking, hardy perennial is the perfect filler to provide cheerful mauve blooms which attract butterflies and a host of other insects, increasing...
Merciera, with its white or purple tubular flowers, is a little-known member of the Campanulaceae, endemic to the Cape Floristic Region....
Erica fastigiata
Erica fastigiata belongs to the largest genus in the Cape Floral Kingdom....
Bonatea speciosa
Bonatea speciosa, a terrestrial orchid, is admired for its delicate, somewhat bizarre, green and white flowers. It is also comparatively easy to grow...
Arctotis stoechadifolia
A tough and fast-growing groundcover often seen in gardens around the world, Arctotis stoechadifolia surprisingly only occurs naturally along a small strip...
Pelargonium capitatum
This pelargonium is cultivated for its rose scented oil....
Gomphocarpus fruticosus
Gomphocarpus fruticosus is a herbaceous, perennial, spindly shrub, often with watery or milky sap. It has ovoid fruits (follicles) of a clear, pale green...
Ficus ingens
The red-leaved fig is a semi-deciduous, shady tree or rock-splitter, and a beautiful specimen for a large rock garden, but because of its aggressive root-...
Panicum maximum
This tufted grass species is highly palatable and attracts many seed-eating birds to the garden. It is regarded as the most valuable fodder plant and is...
Ornithogalum candicans
The summer hyacinth, with its fragrant bell-shaped flowers, is an ideal accent plant in a mixed bed and is also very suitable for cut flowers. It was previously...
Diosma hirsuta 'Blue Downs'
Diosma hirusta ' Blue Downs' belongs to the Rutaceae family commonly referred to as the citrus family and is easily identified by the presence...
Plants in the Ruschia genus are among the most striking, versatile and diverse of all succulents in the Mesembryanthemum group of the Aizoaceae...
Rothmannia globosa
Rothmannia globosa is a decorative small garden tree with fragrant white bell-shaped flowers in early summer....
Helichrysum foetidum
The glossy, deep yellow flowerheads of Helichrysum foetidum catch the eye. This hardy, water-wise plant could enhance many gardens....
Muraltia scoparia
Identifying the species Muraltia spinosa and M. scoparia (formerly in the genus Nylandtia) using herbarium material only, can be misleading, as the habit...
Ekebergia pterophylla
This is a tidy, attractive, evergreen shrub/tree, with sweetly scented flowers, bearing berries....
Anemone fannini
This stately anemone with beautiful white flowers and large, velvety palmate leaves from the eastern grasslands of South Africa would be an asset to any...
Syncolostemon rotundifolius
Even if a little difficult in cultivation, this little known member of the sage family, once established, will enhance the garden with its masses of pretty...
Helichrysum appendiculatum
Strong pink and cream flowerheads and woolly leaves make Helichrysum appendiculatum a striking plant that would enhance any garden. Not yet in...