Plants of the Week
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Lasiosiphon rigidus
A small-leaved shrublet with fragrant, bright chrome-yellow flowers surrounded by vivid yellow bracts, flushed with dark red....
Lasiosiphon triplinervis
An attractive yellow shrub that flowers throughout the year. This is one of the most underrated grassland forbs, drawing attention from a distance...
Lasiospermum bipinnatum
Lasiospermum bipinnatum is a prolific and showy perennial daisy with beautiful white-rayed flowerheads and aromatic leaves. Although it has been recorded...
Laurophyllus capensis
Reindeer antlers on an African tree? Endemic to the Western and Eastern Cape, the iron martin has separate male and female trees. The female trees carry...
The genus Lebeckia is a group of 14 species that occur in the Northern, Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa. All the species have attractive...
Ledebouria apertiflora
A medium-sized bulbous plant normally associated with arid areas. This species is widely distributed over a vast area of South Africa, most common in the...
Ledebouria asperifolia
Although this species is seldom seen in cultivation, there are some very attractive forms which have beautiful markings on the leaves. It occurs over a...
Ledebouria atrobrunnea
This dwarf, range-restricted African hyacinth with erect leaves and characteristic dark brown persistent leaf bases, is an interesting and attractive plant...
Ledebouria atropurpurea
An uncommon bulbous plant with broadly lanceolate, hairy leaves and small purple flowers in spring....
Ledebouria burkei subsp. burkei
Dwarf bulbous plant usually with leaves pressed to the ground or presented close to the ground. The leaves are brownish-green and usually deep red underneath....
Ledebouria burkei subsp. stolonissima
Ledebouria caesiomontana
This small and cryptic species remains very elusive in its natural habitat, due to its ability to hide amongst grasses and other vegetation, as a result...
Ledebouria comptonii
A small and attractive species which proliferates to form dense stands, with brightly coloured flowers produced en-masse in early spring. The species is...
Ledebouria concolor
A large and handsome, African hyacinth, with bright green leaves and stout semi-erect, dense flower spikes, that makes a fine pot plant. This attractive...
Ledebouria confusa
A medium sized bulbous plant, which occurs across the Highveld areas of the North West, Limpopo, Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provinces of South Africa. This...
Ledebouria cooperi
A widespread and common species usually associated with water or moist vegetation types, Cooper’s African Hyacinth is an attractive, small bulbous...
Ledebouria coriacea
A rare Ledebouria, restricted to a small area around Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. This relatively unknown species has attractively...
Ledebouria cremnophila
A rare species restricted to the mountainous areas of the Barberton region in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, where it prefers to grow on steep...
Ledebouria crispa
Although rare in cultivation, this interesting dwarf ledebouria with its narrow, strongly crinkled, green to grey grey-green leaves, makes an attractive...
Ledebouria davidsoniae
Dwarf bulbous plant with small, striped leaves and pale pink to whitish flowers in spring and summer....