Plants of the Week
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Orbea melanantha
A mat-forming succulent that can spread on the surface of the soil with no trace of underground rhizomes, this water-wise plant will be an excellent addition...
Babiana sambucina subsp. sambucina
Babiana sambucina subsp. sambucina is an attractive, dwarf, spring-flowering bulbous plant, which is drought tolerant and water-wise....
Carpanthea pomeridiana
Carpanthea pomeridiana is an easily propagated, fast-growing annual, endemic to the sandy coastal regions of the Western Cape. It has golden-yellow flowers...
Combretum hereroense
Combretum hereroense is a valuable species that has interesting horticultural characters all year round; the leaves and seed pods turn coppery, and a touch...
Otholobium bracteolatum
A resilient, beautiful, sprawling shrub, not easily missed because of its pretty mauve and white flowers, which are borne in dense rounded inflorescences...
Haworthiopsis coarctata
A delightful little succulent that makes a very attractive and singular, small house plant or groundcover in the garden....
Cliffortia odorata
A hardy evergreen groundcover, with attractive, oval, green leaves, spreading vigorously in full sun or part shade....
Thilachium africanum
An awesome small tree with the most attractive flowers....
Serruria candicans
Bergbambos tessellata
This is one of only two species of bamboo that are indigenous to South Africa. It is a small, tough bamboo that will tolerate wind and frost, preferring...
Jamesbrittenia kraussiana
An attractive herbaceous perennial with lush green foliage and white flowers occurring throughout the year, suitable for planting in full sun in small...
Entandrophragma caudatum
This is a semi-deciduous to deciduous tree, with pale green flowers and unusual banana-shaped, woody fruits. It is ideal for a medium to large-sized garden,...
Clematis brachiata x villosa ‘Silver Beard’
A sweet, pretty, indigenous hybrid clematis, named in honour of its creator, renowned horticulturist and botanist, Rodney Saunders....
Argyrolobium rupestre subsp. rupestre
A small, slender-stemmed, few-flowered, shortly ascending plant, that flourishes in spring and summer. It is a flowering plant in the legume family (Fabaceae),...
Dyschoriste rogersii
A small, evergreen shrub with a very long flowering season, best in semi-shade and with very few natural enemies....
Gladiolus aureus
Gladiolus aureus is a delicate, cormous plant, producing striking golden-yellow blooms in late winter and spring. Among South Africa’s many critically...
Eucomis pallidiflora subsp. pole-evansii
This is the largest of all pineapple lilies in the world. The tall flower spike together with its long leaves, are the reason why it is so popular....
Cylindrophyllum comptonii
Cylindrophyllum comptonii is a tough, mat-forming, cushion-like, succulent plant and thrives in nutrient-poor soils. With its finger-like leaves, this...
Grewia retinervis
Grewia retinervis is a hardy shrub with bright yellow flowers in summer and shiny, reddish brown edible fruits....
Pelargonium heterophyllum
Pelargonium heterophyllum is a rare species from the Renosterveld, and one of South Africa’s most endangered plants....