Plants of the Week
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Selaginella kraussiana
Selaginella is the only genus in the family Selaginellaceae. These plants belong to the lycopods, one of the groups previously referred to as fern allies....
Erica glandulosa subsp. glandulosa
Erica glandulosa is one of the hardiest and most dependable of the Cape heaths in mild temperate and Mediterranean style gardens....
Thorncroftia longiflora
Thorncroftia longiflora is both rare and remarkable. It is a versatile and attractive semi-succulent shrub which makes an excellent and showy garden...
Chlorophytum saundersiae
Chlorophytum saundersiae is a popular garden plant and is used extensively by landscape gardeners. It has a pleasing grass-like appearance making it a...
Stomatium mustellinum
In South African history from 1899-1902 British and Boer troops traversed the natural vegetation of the Free State in war. The vegetation they crossed...
Pelargonium trifidum
This is a large attractive pelargonium with cream to white flowers with maroon markings....
Salvia dentata
Salvia dentata is a wonderful, aromatic, evergreen shrub with prolific flowers suitable for water-wise gardens....
Drosanthemum hallii
Gardeners will welcome the bright yellow, showy flowers of Drosanthemum hallii . This shrubby perennial gives a lustrous display of flowers in early spring,...
Hibiscus tiliaceus
Hibiscus tiliaceus is the only Hibiscus species which really becomes a small tree. It belongs to a family that is unmistakable when in flower, the cotton...
Helichrysum grandiflorum
This white-greyish woolly subshrub is a `must have' for any fynbos waterwise garden. It is sun-loving and has pale yellow to dull creamy white inflorescences...
Macrostylis villosa
Macrostylis villosa is a neat compact aromatic shrub producing clusters of white flowers over a long flowering period. Planted together with other...
Cheiridopsis denticulata
Oh, it's flowering time: it's really awesome to see what mesembs look like when blooming in their natural habitat....
Sparrmannia africana
Sparrmannia africana is an easy-to-grow large shrub for a shady area with lush, soft, heart-shaped leaves and pretty white flowers with a puff of...
Caesalpinia rostrata
This medium to large scrambling shrub with its beautiful leaf patterns produces pink flowers towards the end of the year. It is an interesting plant for...
Salvia dolomitica
The dolomite sage is the perfect, hardy, frost tolerant shrub for every garden which will reward its gardener with its long summer display and aromatic...
Barleria dinteri
This is one of the lesser known barlerias, suitable for a sunny spot in your garden....
Lampranthus tenuifolius
Lampranthus tenuifolius is the ideal plant for the harsh conditions experienced on the Cape Flats. Its waterwise nature and beautiful flowers will provide...
Euryops virgatus
Euryops virgatus has an extremely limited distribution area, and there are only three very small populations left, totalling a few hundred plants....
Pelargonium scabroide
A fairly small pelargonium suited for small rockeries in partially shaded areas....
Dioscorea strydomiana
In a recent international publication the South African wild yam Dioscorea strydomiana was included among the world's 100 most threatened species....