Plants of the Week
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Brunsvigia pulchra
Brunsvigia pulchra is a rarer member of the genus, restricted to the more arid, semi-desert region of Namaqualand. There is a striking contrast between...
Brunsvigia orientalis
Brunsvigia orientalis is one of the exciting surprises experienced in the late summer, when little else is flowering. The emergence of large pinkish...
Brunsvigia natalensis
A striking bulbous plant, endemic to southern Africa, with large umbels bearing 30 to 60, attractive, red or pale pink flowers....
Brunsvigia josephinae
This plant has by far the biggest bulb and inflorescence among the geophytes in South Africa. Its large striking umbels are easily visible in the veld...
Brunsvigia bosmaniae
Brunsvigia bosmaniae produces a dazzling floral display during autumn when little else is flowering in the veld. More or less 21 days after a late summer...
The sheer exuberance of brunsvigias flowering en masse is a natural spectacle that should not be missed....
Brunia noduliflora
Brunia noduliflora is an unusual fynbos shrub and a Cape endemic; it has clusters of fluffy white pompon-like flower heads in winter and knobby fruits...
Brunia cordata
An eye-catching shrub with striking panicles of white flowers in spring, which grows along streams in the Western Cape....
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
Bridelia micrantha
Beautiful, fast growing shade tree, usually with scattered bright red leaves....
Breonadia salicina
A handsome, tall, evergreen tree, suitable for big gardens and parks, with a straight trunk and a dense, narrow crown, known to be an excellent wood for...
Members of this genus are known as cruciferous vegetables, cabbages or mustard plants. Commonly used for food (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels...
Brackenridgea zanguebarica
Brachystelma modestum
The name modestum appears well deserved by this diminutive species of Brachystelma since the flowers are so astonishingly attractive, while the plant...
Brachystelma gerrardii
The shiny, lush, metallic green, or sometimes black flowers, are a rare delight to the eyes. Although having an extensive range across 3 provinces, this...
Brachystelma foetidum
A small, herbaceous perennial from the grasslands, with a large, flattened, underground, potato-like tuber, and unusual purple-brown and greenish yellow...
Brachystelma barberae
Brachystelma barberae is without doubt the most spectacular species in the genus. It is probably the best known cultivated caudiciform asclepiad. If the...
Brachylaena transvaalensis
This medium to large tree with its dark green glossy leaves produces dense clusters of whitish flowers from July to September....