Plants of the Week
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The succulent plants of this genus have long been known as an additive to alcoholic fermentations, making them extra potent. It is the thick underground...
Kedrostis hirtella
This climber, with bright green velvety leaves, bears bright orange-red fruit that will attract birds to your garden....
Karomia speciosa
This shrub to small tree with its two-tone dark and light green leaves produces the most interesting profusion of paper-like flowers with a pink and purple...
Kalanchoe waterbergensis
A rare, dwarf leaf-succulent from the Waterberg in the Limpopo Province. The flat, broadly egg-shaped, bluish leaves are crowded at the base before flowering...
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora
A striking addition to a succulent rockery or grassland garden, this plant stands tall with its striking white leaves and yellow flowers, at a time of...
Kalanchoe sexangularis
Kalanchoe sexangularis is a hardy and drought-resistant succulent, with decorative red foliage that’s a must-have for the rockery, garden or patio,...
Kalanchoe rotundifolia
A brittle succulent plant which grows up to 1 m tall under favourable conditions. It is a delightful little plant that puts up a brave show in clumps among...
Kalanchoe luciae
The Afrikaans name meelplakkie is most appropriate for this plant as it does indeed look as if the whole plant has been liberally dusted with flour (meel)....
Kalanchoe longiflora
Kalanchoe longiflora is a little-known succulent shrub with attractive multi-hued foliage and yellow flowers in autumn to winter. It is suitable for...
Kalanchoe lanceolata
Narrow-leaved kalanchoe is a strikingly beautiful, but deadly plant, thriving in rocky habitats in the northern parts of the country....
Kalanchoe alticola
Kalanchoe alticola is a small shrubby succulent with rounded leaves and striking yellow flowers in autumn and winter, growing at high altitudes near Barberton...
Justicia petiolaris
Attractive and little-known perennial shrubs with soft velvety leaves and pretty pink-purple or mauve-blue, two-lipped, pouted flowers, present almost...
Justicia odora
If you need a shrub for those difficult sunny areas in your garden, the attractive yellow flowering Justicia odora is just the plant that you are looking...
Justicia flava
Justicia flava is a ground cover which produces yellow flowers from September to May and is a good investment for a sunny spot in the garden....
Justicia campylostemon
Justicia adhatodoides
A fast-growing, late summer-flowering shrub for semi-shade or sun, with showy and fragrant white flowers that show up well against its glossy dark green...
Justicia aconitiflora
A beautiful shrub with fresh green foliage and showy pale yellow flowers in autumn, suitable for sun, semi-shade or shade. This species was for many years...
Juncus kraussii
The great physical strength and versatility of this rush make it an asset in wetlands. Juncus kraussii prevents erosion and also make a perfect fibre for...
Jubaeopsis caffra
A South African palm whose nearest living relative grows in Chile (South America), sounds like fiction, but it is not. Here it is. ...
Jordaaniella cuprea
A creeping succulent, with large bright attractive orange daisy-like flowers, this plant is ideal for water-wise gardens....