Plants of the Week
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Ipomoea cairica var. cairica
The coast morning glory, with its big, purple, trumpet-shaped flowers with a dark eye in the centre, makes it close to impossible to pass it by, and it...
Ipomoea albivenia
Ipomoea albivenia is a vigorous perennial deciduous climber up to 10 m long, belonging to the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae)....
Indigofera nigromontana
Indigofera nigromontana is an indigenous shrub with wonderful horticultural potential, suited to any garden with a continental climate. Its foliage brings...
Indigofera natalensis
Indigofera natalensis is a delicate and attractive shade-loving tree with dainty white sprays of flowers in summer, followed by slender, reddish brown...
Indigofera lyalli
An attractive, delicate-looking, slender tree with velvety leaves and wine-red flowers usually found growing in clusters in nature....
Indigofera langebergensis
Indigofera jucunda
This beautiful plant has had the misfortune of being known by an incorrect name for many years, resulting in some confusion about its identity. But whether...
Indigofera frutescens
This plant has rose to purple flowers in lax racemes and bluish green leaves. It forms a stout, leafy shrub up to 2 m tall. It comes...
Indigofera flabellata
The Fynbos Biome is the home of the characteristic dwarf shrub, Indigofera flabellata, with irregular branches and beautiful rose-purple flowers that attract...
Indigofera denudata
Indigofera circinnata
A spiny, rigid shrub with white and pink flowers and distinctive circular pods, that is used in traditional medicine in South Africa. The genus Indigofera...
Imperata cylindrica
Silver-spike or cogon grass has a distinctive flowerhead, which is silky-white or cream and shaped like a cylindrical plume. The leaves are hard, rigid...
Impatiens hochstetteri subsp. hochstetteri
Impatiens flanaganiae
Impatiens flanaganiae is a little known member of the popular busy lizzy family and has a lot of potential as a potplant or for growing near a shady water...
Ilex mitis
The African Holly has attractive bark and berries. It grows throughout the country, making it suitable for colder, frosty gardens too....
Hypoxis membranacea
A remarkable and delicate, small, white-flowered hypoxis, well suited to small gardens, in moist areas....
Hypoxis hemerocallidea
Hailed as`miracle muti' and `wonder potato', Hypoxis hemerocallidea has been very much in the limelight during the past two decades and is today...
Hypoxis colchicifolia
This is a must for every South African gardener, not only for its medicinal uses, but also for its bright yellow flowers in late spring....
Hypoxis, a well-known genus of the family Hypoxidaceae, easily recognizable by its bright yellow star-shaped flowers and strap-like leaves, has a long...
Hypoestes aristata var. aristata 'Purple Haze'
This is a special form of the popular ribbon bush Hypoestes aristata which is a garden stalwart....