Plants of the Week
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Heliophila coronopifolia
This dainty, blue annual is an absolute delight when it comes into flower. Upright and graceful, with small cups of bright blue flowers,the plants appear...
Helichrysum umbraculigerum
Helichrysum umbraculigerum was a relatively new addition to the herbaceous borders in Kirstenbosch in 2004. With its sulphur-yellow flowers and naturally...
Helichrysum sutherlandii
This is an attractive shrublet and an ideal ornamental garden plant because of its grey foliage....
Helichrysum splendidum
Helichrysum ruderale
Helichrysum ruderale is a herbaceous flowering plant that completes its life cycle in two growing seasons. It brings life into sunny or semi-shade flowerbeds...
Helichrysum populifolium
Helichrysum populifolium is a shade-loving shrub with very attractive grey foliage....
Helichrysum platypterum
Helichrysum platypterum is equally attractive as other members of the daisy family, more especially when in full bloom. If one is able to dig deep enough...
Helichrysum petiolare
Helichrysum petiolare is one of the best known and the most commonly used helichrysums, easy to grow, with beautiful velvety silver foliage....
Helichrysum pedunculatum
Helichrysum pedunculatum is a perennial herb that is distinguished by its large flower heads and aromatic, bicoloured leaves that are glossy above and...
Helichrysum patulum
Helichrysum patulum has attractive, aromatic, grey foliage and strongly honey-scented summer flowers. It is easy to grow, water-wise, makes an excellent...
Helichrysum pandurifolium
Helichrysum pandurifolium is a woolly grey shrub with small clusters of gorgeous, yellow flowers surrounded by creamy white, papery bracts. It is an aromatic...
Helichrysum odoratissimum
As its name implies, this plant has a strong smell. It is widely used as a perfume, but also as an insect repellent....
Helichrysum nudifolium var. pilosellum
Helichrysum nudifolium var. pilosellum occurs in the open grassland of the Free State, and grows from Eastern Cape to Malawi. The plant's...
Helichrysum nudifolium
Helichrysum nudifolium is a sun-loving, perennial herb with a pale yellow inflorescence and shiny, light green leaves. There are many species very similar...
Helichrysum molestum
Helichrysum molestum is one of the attractive everlastings with bright yellow flower heads. The taxonomy of this group caused Dr Hilliard so much trouble...
Helichrysum herniarioides
Once you have seen Helichrysum herniaroides in the veld you will always remember how plentiful it is — almost like a groundcover in sandy areas,...
Helichrysum grandiflorum
This white-greyish woolly subshrub is a `must have' for any fynbos waterwise garden. It is sun-loving and has pale yellow to dull creamy white inflorescences...
Helichrysum foetidum
The glossy, deep yellow flowerheads of Helichrysum foetidum catch the eye. This hardy, water-wise plant could enhance many gardens....
Helichrysum drakensbergense
The Drakensberg everlasting is a small perennial herb with woolly grey leaves and compact flat inflorescences of yellow flowers on long stalks covered...
Helichrysum dasyanthum
Helichrysum dasyanthum is an attractive silver-grey shrublet with striking, bright yellow flowerheads in summer....