Plants of the Week
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Nymania capensis
Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea
Nymphoides indica
This species has been split into Nymphoides brevipedicellata and Nymphoides thunbergiana....
Nymphoides thunbergiana
This is a pretty, fast-growing, perennial water plant with flat, rounded, floating leaves, and delicate white and yellow flowers in summer. It makes a...
Obetia tenax
An awesome small tree with the most striking flowers and leaves with stinging hairs, that can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable....
All species of Ochna have very attractive yellow flowers, with an unusual persistent calyx that enlarges when in fruit, becoming cream-coloured, pink...
Ochna natalitia
Ochna natalitia is a wonderful, large shrub to small tree, not yet fully harnessed by gardeners, and offers an attractive display almost continuously through...
Ochna pretoriensis
Ochna pretoriensis is one of the magnificent evergreen shrubs in South Africa, especially in the warm northern regions of South Africa. It flowers...
Ochna pulchra
This species is better known by its Afrikaans name, lekkerbreek. This is most probably one of South Africa 's most beautiful trees, but also one of...
Ochna serrulata
This is certainly a shrub that every gardener should have in their garden, not only because of its beautiful yellow flowers, but also because of its attractive...
Ocimum labiatum
A stunning drought-hardy ornamental shrub which thrives in full sun or partial shade, flowering prolifically from early summer to late autumn....
Ocimum obovatum
Erect and sometimes spreading, low-growing perennial herb, this plant is an excellent link between lawn and a shrubby border. It is a good candidate for...
Ocotea bullata
The black stinkwood, or stinkwood as it is commonly known, is a large evergreen tree suitable for large gardens and parks. Along with yellowood, its timber...
Ocotea kenyensis
A big, attractive, fast-growing, evergreen tree of up to 30 m height with a much-branched, rounded canopy of simple, glossy, usually aromatic leaves, with...
Oftia africana
Rough to the touch, this shrublet has pretty white flowers that have a sweet, chocolaty fragrance....
Oldenburgia grandis
Oldenburgia grandis is a remarkable, small, thick-set, tree similar in appearance to some tree proteas, but this strange plant's thistle-like flowers...
Oldenburgia paradoxa
Oldenburgia paradoxa is an unusual cushion-shaped species of the daisy family that grows on rocks in the Cape mountains and looks like an alpine plant....
Olea capensis
Happy the grandchild who inherits a garden shaded by a black ironwood tree, for they have grandparents of great foresight and intelligence. These trees...
Olea europaea subsp. africana