Plants of the Week
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Leucospermum bolusii
The Gordon's Bay pincushion is quite unusual for a pincushion in that its flowers are a creamy white colour where they are normally a striking orange...
Lachenalia liliflora
Sadly, Lachenalia liliflora, an indigenous hyacinth with strikingly beautiful creamy-white flowers tipped with purple, is on the critically endangered...
Cordia caffra
Why this breathtaking tree is so rarely used in the horticultural and landscape trade is a mystery. It possesses almost all the qualities of the ideal...
Serruria trilopha
This critically endangered member of the protea family makes an unusual addition to sandy coastal gardens....
Heteromorpha arborescens
This small to medium-sized, deciduous tree or straggly shrub is suitable for a small, low-maintenance garden. The bark often helps to distinguish it from...
Serruria furcellata
This critically endangered spiderhead is being squeezed from its home by urbanization near greater Cape Town....
Nerine laticoma
This is a summer-growing Nerine, one of a genus of beautiful geophytes endemic to southern Africa....
Rhigozum obovatum
Rhigozum obovatum is an ideal shrub or small tree to bring life to gardens in dry areas where water is in short supply and garden maintenance is low. Although...
Polygala myrtifolia
Polygala myrtifolia is a common, widespread pioneer shrub with pretty mauve flowers on and off throughout the year with a peak in spring, hence the names...
Searsia ciliata
Searsia ciliata is one of the more modest members of this popular group of garden plants which hybridize easily. This species, like several others in the...
Coleonema album
An aromatic evergreen shrub with masses of white flowers in winter and spring....
Nymphoides thunbergiana
This is a pretty, fast-growing, perennial water plant with flat, rounded, floating leaves, and delicate white and yellow flowers in summer. It makes a...
Nymphoides indica
This species has been split into Nymphoides brevipedicellata and Nymphoides thunbergiana....
Aloiampelos ciliaris var. ciliaris
Aloiampelos ciliaris var. ciliaris is a small, handsome, climbing aloe and one of the easiest to cultivate. It was previously called Aloe ciliaris...
Kniphofia leucocephala
This delicate white wetland poker is so rare that it is now known from only one locality in KwaZulu-Natal, and does not even have a common name. Unless...
Brabejum stellatifolium
This tree is famous in South Africa for being used to make Van Riebeeck's Hedge, the first formal boundary marker between the new Cape colony and the...
Anemone knowltonia
This is a very handsome plant with unusual flowers resembling green buttercups, that does well in shady situations....
Gerbera aurantiaca
The Hilton daisy is a strikingly beautiful grassland plant that occurs around Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal. The species is under considerable threat...
Crocosmia aurea
This is a very attractive garden plant with a number of bright orange flowers in a full spike at the end of the flower stalk. The tall stalks make it desirable...
Leucadendron levisanus
This endangered member of the protea family was once common on the Cape Flats, but has been reduced by urban development to a few populations along road...