Plants of the Week
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Strophanthus speciosus
Beware! This plant can be deadly in high doses, although it is used medicinally in moderate doses....
Encephalartos middelburgensis
Encephalartos middelburgensis is a blue-leaved cycad covered with persistent powdery bloom. It thrives in full sunlight and is frost-hardy. It is...
Cyrtanthus flammosus
This exciting ornamental bulbous plant with its large solitary orange-red flower is only known from the cliffs along the Kouga River and adjacent territory...
Stoeberia carpii
Stoeberia carpii is one of six Stoeberia species endemic to the winter-rainfall region of South Africa and Namibia. They are shrubby leaf...
Protea cordata
This little protea is something of a Cinderella before the glass slipper came her way. The flower heads growing at ground level are unobtrusive, small...
Searsia batophylla
The bramble currant is a shrub with conspicuously bicoloured (two-coloured), bramble-like leaves which make it easy to identify.This plant was previously...
Rhodocoma fruticosa
Rhodocoma fruticosa is a tough, water-wise restio, perfect to use in a dry fynbos garden....
Zaluzianskya capensis
This plant fills the evening air with a sweet fragrance that will give you joy from May to November. The flowers open towards the evening and remain open...
Pelargonium multicaule
A beautiful sprawling pelargonium with dark pink flowers, ideal for hanging baskets as well as a good ground cover....
Euclea undulata
Euclea undulata is one of the most common small trees across the vast subtropical and central interior regions of southern Africa. It is a most variable...
Elegia grandispicata
Elegia grandispicata is a restio with large golden inflorescences that seem to glow in the early morning light....
Crassula tecta
A diminutive and attractive grey-leaved succulent that is easy to grow and makes a great pot plant....
Babiana hirsuta
Babiana hirsuta is a striking, robust, geophytic perennial that produces brilliant but unusual recurved red flowers on long flowering stems....
Euphorbia virosa
Euphorbia virosa has a short twisted main stem with large branches emerging from it. The stems are 4- or 5-angled with a pair of thorns at the edges....
Drosera cuneifolia
Drosera cuneifolia is a winter-growing sundew that is restricted to the Cape Peninsula....
Streptocarpus aylae
This exciting ornamental, with its strap-shaped leaves in a central rosette and lilac to mauve bell-shaped flowers, was recently discovered and named from...
Dioscorea dregeana
Dioscorea dregeana is a perennial, twining, herbaceous creeper, up to 15 m long....
Haemanthus crispus
A splash of brilliant red in autumn comes from this beautiful Cape bulb....
Gasteria baylissiana
Gasteria baylissiana is a beautiful, dwarf, aloe-like, succulent-leaved perennial, endemic to the rocky Wittetrivier Gorge (Suurberg) in the northwestern...
Selaginella kraussiana
Selaginella is the only genus in the family Selaginellaceae. These plants belong to the lycopods, one of the groups previously referred to as fern allies....