Plants of the Week
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Coleus hadiensis
An attractive perennial shrub, with decorative aromatic foliage, suitable for planting in humid, moist and lightly shaded areas in small gardens....
Coleus grandidentatus
Coleus genus
For many years, the plant we’ve known as coleus, was the popular garden plant with multi-coloured leaves, although its accepted scientific name was...
Coleus esculentus
The wild potato is a pleasant aromatic herb with prolific, beautiful, yellow flowers in winter and spring. It is able to withstand a variety of climatic...
Coleus amboinicus
A sprawling perennial with strongly and pleasantly aromatic, fleshy, serrated leaves and mauve, two-lipped flowers in summer and autumn. A useful, easily...
Coleotrype natalensis
The genus Coleotrype is characterised by its extremely contracted inflorescences, with each unit being subtended by a relatively large bract, and the petals...
Coleonema pulchellum
An aromatic, evergreen shrub covered with masses of starry pink flowers in winter and spring....
Coleonema calycinum
Coleonema aspalathoides
Coleonema aspalathoides forms a dense upright shrub, 0.5 - 1 m tall. Bright pink, star-shaped flowers, 8-10 mm in diameter, are borne singly but in profusion...
Coleonema album
An aromatic evergreen shrub with masses of white flowers in winter and spring....
Members of the genus Colchicum are low, short-stemmed to stemless perennials with leaves spreading on the ground. The most noticeable characteristic of...
Cola greenwayi
Cola greenwayi is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, up to 25m tall with simple, alternate leaves that have a distinct hairy swelling below the blade...
Codonorhiza corymbosa
A cheerful bulbous plant with striking blue to purple blooms that does wonderfully when planted in containers on a sunny patio and helps attract an interesting...
Codon royenii
Coddia rudis
Coddia rudis is usually a short, aromatic, evergreen, dense, multi-stemmed and fairly fast growing shrub....
Coccinia rehmannii
Coccinia rehmannii is a perennial creeper or climber arising from a large tuberous rootstock, with conspicuous, many-seeded, globose fruits....
Clutia pulchella
Clutia pulchella is easily distinguishable by its striking 'ladder-like', alternating arrangement of leaves, often with red leaves among the green....
Clivia robusta
Clivia robusta is probably one of the tallest members of the genus as it can grow to a height of 1.6 m in ideal conditions. It is a strong grower and...
Clivia nobilis
Clivia nobilis was the first species of Clivia to be described in 1828. It was a popular plant in England until the more spectacular Clivia miniata appeared...
Clivia mirabilis
The discovery in the Nieuwoudtville area of the Northern Cape of a most unusual new Clivia species, Clivia mirabilis, caused much excitement in the botanical...