Plants of the Week
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Brachylaena glabra
A member of the Aster family, Brachylaena glabra is a lovely medium-sized tree with a spreading crown and heads of small, white flowers....
Brachylaena elliptica
This is an attractive small tree or large shrub with interesting aromatic, dark green foliage with greyish silver undersides....
Brachylaena discolor
Brachycorythis conica subsp. transvaalensis
This beautiful and enigmatic orchid was first recorded in 1918; it was last seen in the Gauteng Province in 1956, until its rediscovery in 2007. This species...
Brachiaria serrata
Brachiaria serrata is a perennial grass with bright green leaves and red or purplish-red spikelets covered in silky hairs....
Brabejum stellatifolium
This tree is famous in South Africa for being used to make Van Riebeeck's Hedge, the first formal boundary marker between the new Cape colony and the...
Bowkeria verticillata
A decorative shrub that can be used to landscape your garden, with softy quilted leaves and pure white, scented flowers....
Bowkeria cymosa
A bushy shrub or small tree for sun or semi-shade, with dark green foliage and sprays of unusual, shell-like, white flowers in summer; a good backdrop...
Bowkeria citrina
The wonderful display of the bright yellow flowers, the fragrance of the leaves and the polished brown fruit of Bowkeria citrina, make this beautiful...
Bowiea volubilis
Bowiea volubilis subsp volubilis has an unusual succulent adaptation - climbing inflorescences that harvest photosynthetic light in the absence of aerial...
Bowiea gariepensis
Bowiea gariepensis is a summer-deciduous bulbous plant from the lower Orange River Valley in the Northern Cape and southern Namibia, growing singly or...
Boscia albitrunca
The shepherd's tree is the most common of the eight species in its genus and is usually found in the drier parts of southern Africa. It is often called...
Members of the family Boraginaceae are herbs, shrubs or trees, characterized by leaves with rough hairs, inflorescences sometimes coiled at their tips,...
Boophone haemanthoides
Boophone haemanthoides is a summer-flowering geophyte growing up to 500 mm tall. It looks very much like a primitive plant with at least two thirds of...
Boophone disticha
Wherever you live in South Africa, in a summer- or winter-rainfall region, along the coast or in a semi-arid area, try Boophone disticha in your garden,...
Bonatea speciosa
Bonatea speciosa, a terrestrial orchid, is admired for its delicate, somewhat bizarre, green and white flowers. It is also comparatively easy to grow...
Bolusanthus speciosus
The tree wisteria is certainly one of the most spectacular of our indigenous trees when in flower, mimicking the splendour of the jacaranda, which unfortunately...
Bolboschoenus maritimus
Blighia unijugata
A medium to large evergreen tree, with sweetly scented flowers that attract butterflies to the garden, followed by pink to red, pear-shaped fruit that...
Blechnum tabulare
This is a large attractive fern for the shady garden....