Plants of the Week
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Freylinia undulata
Freylinia undulata is an attractive shrub with mauve flowers, ideal for dry gardens in the winter-rainfall area....
Freylinia visseri
Freylinia vlokii
Freylinia vlokii is a shrub bearing beautiful tubular mauve flowers and is an ideal plant for dry fynbos gardens....
Frithia humilis
This miniature leaf succulent is attractive even when not flowering as the windowed leaves with crenulate markings are showy and unique....
Frithia pulchra
Window-leaf succulents are always very popular as the shape of the leaves is unique and when in flower the magenta petals with lighter centres cover the...
Funaria hygrometrica
The attractive red-brown spore-bearing part of the plant (sporophyte), which consists of a long, twisting stalk (seta) with an asymmetrical, grooved capsule...
Galpinia transvaalica
This tree is part of a small family of herbs, small trees and shrubs found in subtropical and tropical regions. Its attractive flowerheads and coloured...
Galtonia candicans
Galtonia candicans is now called Ornithogalum candicans....
Galtonia regalis
Galtonia regalis is now called Ornithogalum regale...
Garcinia gerrardii
Related to the mangosteen from India, the forest garcinia is not a well-known garden ornamental, but it could be. It has fragrant flowers in early summer,...
Garcinia livingstonei
From time to time one reads of individualists doing strange things and calling it 'living art'. Here is a tree which produces very tasty fruit,...
Gardenia cornuta
The spectacular, large white and yellow flowers with their sweet scent, attracts passersby from a distance to this small, much-branched tree. The smooth,...
Gardenia thunbergia
Gardenia volkensii
The bushveld gardenia is a small, relatively slow-growing tree, ideal as a focus plant in summer rainfall gardens or on patios....
Garuleum bipinnatum
Garuleum bipinnatum flowers come in several colours and have bright yellow centres....
Gasteria acinacifolia
Gasteria acinacifolia is the largest of all Gasteria species, strictly coastal and ideal for coastal gardens. It is at once recognized by its large rosette...
Gasteria armstrongii
Gasteria armstrongii is a dwarf aloe-like, succulent-leaved stone plant, endemic to the Renosterveld flats between Jeffreys Bay and the Gamtoos River...
Gasteria barbae
Gasteria barbae is an exciting, new discovery confined to the coastal cliffs near Hakerville in the Knysna District. It has small rosettes of leaves covered...
Gasteria batesiana
Gasteria batesiana is a small charming species bearing rough tuberculata brittle leaves. It is ideal for containers in a shady spot. It is at once...
Gasteria baylissiana
Gasteria baylissiana is a beautiful, dwarf, aloe-like, succulent-leaved perennial, endemic to the rocky Wittetrivier Gorge (Suurberg) in the northwestern...