Plants of the Week
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Hessea speciosa
A striking, small, bulbous plant with rounded heads of white or pink, coconut scented flowers in autumn, found in southern Namibia and the Northern Cape...
Heterolepis aliena
When walking through the Mathews Rockery in Kirstenbosch during early summer, it is impossible to miss Heterolepis aliena. It is quite dazzling, covered...
Heteromorpha arborescens
This small to medium-sized, deciduous tree or straggly shrub is suitable for a small, low-maintenance garden. The bark often helps to distinguish it from...
Heteropogon contortus
A hardy grass that is very attractive and palatable in the early vegetative stages, but becomes less attractive and unpalatable as it matures....
Heteropyxis canescens
The forest lavender tree is an evergreen to semi-deciduous, attractive small tree. It deserves to be utilised more in gardens and landscapes, due to its...
Heteropyxis natalensis
This is an attractive small tree suitable for townhouse gardens....
Hexalobus monopetalus
Heywoodia lucens
Cape-ebony or stink-ebony as it is also known, is a tall, evergreen tree and the only species in the genus Heywoodia; it is usually found growing in coastal,...
Hibiscus calyphyllus
This perennial shrub with its striking, large, lemon-yellow flowers and velvety leaves is perfect as an informal border or as a centrepiece in a small...
Hibiscus coddii
An upright shrubby perennial with attractive, bright red flowers in autumn; it is a decorative garden ornamental or container plant in full sun or partial...
Hibiscus pedunculatus
A delicate, delightful, indigenous hibiscus, with bright pink flowers on dainty stalks....
Hibiscus praeteritus
The colourful, floriferous and water-wise Hibiscus praeteritus is a spectacular shrub worthy of a special place in your garden....
Hibiscus tiliaceus
Hibiscus tiliaceus is the only Hibiscus species which really becomes a small tree. It belongs to a family that is unmistakable when in flower, the cotton...
Hibiscus waterbergensis
As a neat, upright, little-branched shrub of about 1.5 m tall, with its greyish-green appearance and vibrant scarlet-red flowers in summer, Hibiscus waterbergensis...
Hilliardiella aristata
Beautiful silky silver leaves and dark mauve-purple flowers in early summer, Hilliardiella aristata is an eye-catching plant for the sunny garden....
Hilliardiella hirsuta
The striking deep purple flowers and silvery quilted leaves of Hilliardiella hirsuta make it a very desirable plant for an indigenous summer border. ...
Hilliardiella oligocephala
Hilliardiella oligocephala is an attractive perennial with bicolored leaves and attractive bright purple flowers. It is the most common silver-leafed species...
Hippia frutescens
This is a good plant for moist gardens and also has a traditional medicinal use....
Hippobromus pauciflorus
A small to medium sized, attractive, fast-growing tree with a dense rounded crown of shiny, aromatic leaves, clusters of small creamy white, scented flowers...
Holothrix randii
This orchid is easier to spot among the grasses in the morning, because the flowers look shiny and silver from a distance. A closer look at the front of...