Plants of the Week
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Aloe kamnelii
Aloe kamnelii is a shrubby, ascending aloe, with glossy green leaves and yellow flowers in spring, that is endemic to the Doorn River of the Western Cape,...
Lachnospermum imbricatum
A beautiful shrub with pink or purple-centred, daisy-like flowers surrounded by a ring of white, papery bracts. Occurring in the extreme southwestern Cape,...
Erica lutea
A small fynbos shrublet which has masses of shiny white to yellow flowers in late summer and autumn....
Lydenburgia abbottii
Pondo Bushman’s Tea is a tall tree, and one of the rarest trees in South Africa, occurring in ravine forest in just two river gorges....
Melinis repens
An attractive, yet hardy tufted grass, which requires little maintenance for a showy display in spring and summer....
Curio radicans
Curio radicans is a versatile succulent which can either act as a ground cover or an overflowing hanging pot plant; it is a beautiful addition to any garden...
Lampranthus tegens
A flat-growing, mat-forming, leaf succulent, often rooting at the nodes, and an easy-to-grow, drought tolerant plant for fynbos gardens, especially on...
Barleria lichtensteiniana
Barleria lichtensteiniana, the jewel of the Kalahari....
Arctotis aspera
A tough, soft-wooded perennial from the mountainous and coastal fynbos areas that flowers for the most part of the year. Once established, it hardly needs...
Aloe lineata var. muiri
Aloe lineata var. muiri is an attractive and rewarding garden plant. Its striking yellowish green leaves and tall flower spikes will give much needed contrast...
Dalbergia armata
Dalbergia armata has attractive acacia-like leaves and makes an excellent bonsai tree. It is a rather distinct climber, with stout thorns and it is a member...
Paranomus longicaulis
Densely white-woolly, pink and brown flowerheads, forming a short bottlebrush on a long, flowering branch, in spring to summer, with unusual foliage, bearing...
Kniphofia acraea
A rare, small Kniphofia that is endemic to South Africa, only known from two areas high in the mountains of the Eastern Cape Province, near Cradock and...
Schistostephium rotundifolium
A bushy shrub with decorative foliage and attractive yellow flowerheads in autumn to winter, suitable for sun or semi-shade....
Cotyledon egglii
A recently named succulent shrublet, recognized by its wedge-shaped (cuneiform), green leaves, sparsely beset with glandular hairs and bearing tubular,...
Setaria verticillata
Setaria verticillata is a species of grass known by the common name, bur bristlegrass. It is easily distinguished from other Setaria species by retrorsely...
Brachylaena rotundata
This tree is ideal for small to medium-sized gardens. It produces yellow, thistle-like flowers in spring and has eye-catching, silver-grey leaves, that...
Diosma aristata
Diosma aristata is without a doubt the most threatened species in this enigmatic genus of plants. Buchus are well known for their medicinal qualities,...
Erica irregularis
A very special and beautiful plant that only occurs naturally in one place in the whole world. During the winter months, it transforms the landscape around...
Coleus venteri
A relatively new species to horticulture, Coleus venteri is a unique, aromatic, sun-loving, water-wise shrub that is fast growing once established and...