Plants of the Week
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Argyrolobium lunare
At first glance it looks as if there are two similar kinds of plant growing together. This is because most of the flowers are bright yellow and others...
Protea laetans
The Blyde protea is a small tree with bluish-green foliage and deep carmine flowerheads, and is one of the few proteas that are found in the summer-rainfall...
Vachellia tortilis
A drought-resistant tree with the classic, umbrella-shaped canopy associated with thorn trees. Many bird species take advantage of the protection it offers...
Indigofera nigromontana
Indigofera nigromontana is an indigenous shrub with wonderful horticultural potential, suited to any garden with a continental climate. Its foliage brings...
Crassula deltoidea
A unique and intriguing dwarf, grey-leaved succulent well-suited to pot cultivation....
Thorncroftia succulenta
Thorncroftia succulenta is a versatile and attractive semi-succulent shrub which makes an excellent and showy garden subject, well suited for hot...
Protorhus longifolia
The red beech is an excellent evergreen garden tree, quick growing and easily grown from seed. It attracts birds to a garden....
Pelargonium odoratissimum
This is a lovely fragrant pelargonium suited to any scented garden....
Carissa edulis
A fast-growing, thorny, scrambling shrub with glossy foliage, masses of fragrant white flowers in spring and small, oval red edible fruits in summer....
Pelargonium exstipulatum
Most of the species in the Geraniaceae family are very attractive, and Pelargonium exstipulatum is no exception. It adds some character...
Lasiospermum bipinnatum
Lasiospermum bipinnatum is a prolific and showy perennial daisy with beautiful white-rayed flowerheads and aromatic leaves. Although it has been recorded...
xRuttyruspolia 'Phyllis van Heerden'
Because of its beauty and prolific, long-lasting inflorescences, the shrub × Ruttyruspolia `Phyllis van Heerden' is now grown in many urban...
Gasteria excelsa
Gasteria excelsa is a medium-sized aloe-like plant bearing triangular, spreading, ascending, dark-mottled green leaves and a dense panicle of pinkish...
Pellaea calomelanos
Gladiolus guthriei
Gladiolus guthriei is a beautiful and highly fragrant species, making it a very worthy addition to the winter garden or container collection.South...
Plectranthus zuluensis 'Lupatana'
Plectranthus zuluensis 'Lupatana' is a white-selected cultivar of Plectranthus zuluensis. It is an excellent pot plant and flowers from late summer...
Hypocalyptus coluteoides
Attractive, upright, bright pink to magenta flower heads at the ends of the branches are bound to catch one's attention when this lovely shrub is in...
Pelargonium hermanniifolium
Pelargonium hermanniifolium is a very attractive Pelargonium with large flowers....
Gladiolus alatus
Gladiolus alatus is a very brightly coloured plant and will catch your eye wherever you walk, with its showy orange, yellow and green flowers. It populates...
Roella ciliata
Roella ciliata is a sun-loving, summer-flowering fynbos shrublet with large, showy flowers, but it is not yet well known in cultivation because it is...