Plants of the Week
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Erica baccans
Erica baccans is a well-known, showy species that produces bright, cherry-pink splashes of colour on the middle to lower slopes of the Cape Peninsula....
Bridelia micrantha
Beautiful, fast growing shade tree, usually with scattered bright red leaves....
Pavetta cooperi
Orbea lutea
Gomphocarpus physocarpus
Gomphocarpus physocarpus has striking yellowish, ball-like fruits and is an excellent butterfly plant, but it is poisonous if ingested; so keep it...
Schrebera alata
Wild jasmine anoints your garden with a pleasant, sweet-scented fragrance and glorifies it with white to dark pinkish red flowers during the summer season....
Pelargonium papilionaceum
A pelargonium worth growing in shady places in your garden....
Bowkeria verticillata
A decorative shrub that can be used to landscape your garden, with softy quilted leaves and pure white, scented flowers....
Oxalis purpurea
A common but undervalued South African native plant, Oxalis purpurea can make a most magnificent garden plant that flowers for half the year....
Oscularia caulescens
Oscularia caulescens is an easy-to-grow succulent groundcover, ideal as an accent plant in especially rockeries or pots and for low-maintenance and water-wise...
Turnera oculata var. oculata
The Namib Turnera has striking yellow flowers with a conspicuous dark centre and occurs in Kaokoveld in the Namib Desert in northern Namibia and in southern...
Philenoptera violacea
The wood of this attractive, hard, frost-sensitive "rain-tree" makes a stunning ornamental display....
Pterolobium stellatum
Pterolobium stellatum is a tall, scrambling or climbing shrub with woody rope-like stems....
Leucospermum formosum
Leucospermum formosum has spectacular bright yellow spring flowers that look like a Catherine wheel firework frozen in mid spin. ...
Leucospermum conocarpodendron subsp. viridum
The largest of the pincushion group of proteas, the green tree pincushion is absolutely spectacular when in flower. The large rounded bushes are then covered...
Gasteria glauca
Gasteria glauca is a small aloe-like plant with highly succulent, glaucous (grey-green) leaves arranged in a dense rosette. It grows on cliff faces...
Gasteria rawlinsonii
Gasteria rawlinsonii is a shrubby, aloe-like, succulent cliff hanger found only in the Baviaanskloof of the Eastern Cape Province. It is the only...
Delosperma lydenbergense
This flat-growing ground cover or small shrub with its purple flowers can take full sun and is an attractive plant for gardens in warmer climates....
Mondia whitei
Mondia whitei, White's ginger, is a truly versatile and magical African herb — widely used medicinally and an excellent garden subject...
Encephalartos aplanatus
Encephalartos aplanatus is a shade-loving cycad that closely resembles E. villosus. The leaflets of E. aplanatus, however, tend to be wider than those...