Plants of the Week
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Wahlenbergia capensis
Wahlenbergia capensis, the Cape bluebell, is a member of the Campanulaceae (the bellflower family). Its showy flowers start appearing from early spring,...
Aloe challisii
Aloe challisii is a charming new cliff-dwelling aloe from the Steenkampsberg in Mpumlanga Province. It is easily grown from cuttings and thrives as...
Tarchonanthus trilobus var. trilobus
Tarchonanthus trilobus var. trilobus is a shapely, small, evergreen tree with decorative, aromatic foliage, well-suited to today's smaller...
Podalyria sericea
Khaya anthotheca
This fairly fast growing tree — up to 1.5 m per year — is neat and decorative for larger gardens and parks in warm areas and is ideal...
Protea compacta
The Bot River sugarbush is ideally suited to the larger coastal fynbos gardens where, if planted en masse , it will provide a pink or white splash...
Haplocarpha scaposa
Senecio exuberans
When Senecio exuberans was described in 1943 it was said to be 'one of the most characteristic features' of the grasslands around Pietermaritzburg...
Roridula dentata
Roridula dentata is a tentacle-leaved shrub that has a unique symbiotic relationship with the assassin bug, Pameridea marlothii. Although commonly known...
Typha capensis
Typha capensis is synonymous with most large as well as small freshwater bodies. These perennial, leafy aquatic plants with their distinctive velvety-brown...
Acmadenia macropetala
Pelargonium inquinans
Pelargonium inquinans with its striking flowers will bring colour to your garden throughout the year....
Diospyros mespiliformis
Diospyros mespiliformis has a fantastic mutualism and symbiotic network with many living organisms, from human beings to small insects. There is a complex...
Struthiola argentea
Struthiola argentea is a slender sun-loving shrublet with yellow to reddish-orange flowers. It is dramatic when massed, especially if planted close to...
Selago canescens
Selago canescens bursts into flower in early spring when most plants in the garden are still recovering after the cold winter. An added attraction is the...
Berzelia stokoei
The striking red flowers of Berzelia stokoei are a sight to behold when walking in the tranquil mountains of the Overberg region. This plant was previously...
Aloe speciosa
Aloe speciosa is a handsome plant having decorative blue-green leaves with deep pink to pale red, serrated leaf margins, and dense cylindrical flower...
Leucospermum reflexum
A fireworks display in your garden during the day time is quite possible if you plant the magnificent rocket pincushions! These lovely, tall, upright pincushion...