Plants of the Week
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Osmunda regalis
Osmunda regalis is unusual in that it forms new fertile fronds in autumn, and not in spring or summer as is common in most ferns....
Osteospermum incanum subsp. incanum
A vigorous, sprawling, densely-branched, low-growing grey shrub that is suitably equipped to beautify coastal and interior gardens alike. Its grey leaves,...
Osteospermum moniliferum
A fast growing shrub with bright yellow daisies in autumn and winter followed by edible berries; a useful pioneer, screening plant and popular with birds...
Osteospermum monstrosum
Osteospermum monstrosum is arguably the commonest Namaqualand spring annual. Most people will have noticed these small plants with yellow flowerheads and...
Osteospermum oppositifolium
The golden, orange or yellow flowers of Osteospermum oppositifolium make a stunning show in spring....
Osteospermum scariosum
Osteospermum scariosum is a beautiful yellow daisy, the flowerheads often having a striking dark ring around the centre....
Osyris compressa
This plant is now called Colpoon compressum ...
Osyris lanceolata
The evergreen, winter-flowering Osyris lanceolata is a blue-green hardy shrub or small tree. Its fleshy, yellowish green fruits become bright...
Otholobium bracteolatum
A resilient, beautiful, sprawling shrub, not easily missed because of its pretty mauve and white flowers, which are borne in dense rounded inflorescences...
Otholobium fruticans
An attractive, mat-forming groundcover or semi-shrub that bears beautiful sprays of pea-like, purple-blue flowers in spring....
Otholobium virgatum
This is a mat-forming and low-growing, trailing, ground cover with masses of mauve-pink, pea-like flowers in spring....
Othonna arbuscula
A small succulent shrub from the arid areas of southern Africa, which has the appearance of a small tree or bonsai....
Othonna cakilefolia
One of only three Othonna species with pink to magenta florets; its striking, pink daisy-like flower heads, make it a desirable member of the genus.Fig....
Othonna dentata
This blue-grey succulent shrublet is ideally suited to coastal gardens and deserves to be more popular with gardeners....
Othonna euphorbioides
A thorny, yet charming, mound-forming species of Othonna with striking yellow flowers to brighten your garden in the cold winter days....
Othonna herrei
This bonsai-like Othonna is unique and certainly the most remarkable species in the genus....
Othonna perfoliata
An Othonna with striking yellow flowers, found lurking among tall vegetation, to brighten your garden in the cold winter days....
Othonna quinquedentata
The five-tooth baboon cabbage, with its thick, light green, slightly fleshy leaves, looks inconspicuous at most times of the year but a few months after...
Othonna retrofracta
Othonna retrofracta, with its bonsai-like appearance, is suitable for water-wise gardens in arid areas....
Othonna triplinervia
A succulent shrub that flourishes in heavy, winter rainfall areas. Its rounded growth form and velvety foliage, makes this plant a desirable specimen for...