Plants of the Week
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Parinari curatellifolia
This attractive shade-providing tree is a prominent aspect in its environment, and it is no surprise that a tribute to the late Dr David Livingstone (a...
Protea coronata
Protea coronata has bright apple-green inflorescences hidden amongst its silvery foliage; it's not a showy garden shrub but the very attractive...
Encephalartos arenarius
Encephalartos arenarius is a medium-sized, multi-stemmed, subterranean plant about 1-2 m high. It grows well in semi-shade but can tolerate full...
Brachystelma barberae
Brachystelma barberae is without doubt the most spectacular species in the genus. It is probably the best known cultivated caudiciform asclepiad. If the...
Salvia lanceolata
A lovely grey-green aromatic shrub with rusty red flowers for most of the year; rewardingly easy to grow and water-wise....
Ehrharta calycina
Ehrharta calycina is usually perennial with strongly geniculate culms (stems), red-flowers and a creeping, branched rhizome....
Pelargonium radens
This showy, scented pelargonium will bring delight to any fragrant garden....
Croton sylvaticus
Croton sylvaticus is a beautiful, spreading, leafy tree, up to 21 m, high sometimes less, usually with a tall, straight trunk up to 1 m in diameter....
Searsia magalismontana subsp. magalismontana
Nowadays, when small gardens are the order of the day, this lovely little multistemmed shrub has been overlooked as a potential form plant for that special...
Acmadenia trigona
Acmadenia trigona, from the winter rainfall region, forms an upright shrub with spreading branches. It grows 0.3-0.7 m high. It is a single stem at the...
Leucadendron sessile
Leucadendron sessile is an easy-to-grow fynbos shrub that turns bright yellow during winter and spring. Leucadendrons are often overlooked, in favour...
Drosanthemum bicolor
Didymaotus lapidiformis
Didymaotus lapidiformis is a fascinating chunky succulent that looks like a lithops on steroids! It grows in the arid winter rainfall regions of...
Agathosma capensis
Agathosma capensis is a variable shrub with either hairy or hairless leaves. Flower colour ranges from mauve, pink to white or a bluish purple. Crushed...
Ursinia chrysanthemoides var. geyeri
Once thought to be extinct, Ursinia chrysanthemoides var. geyeri, the crimson-flowered herbaceous daisy has found its way back into cultivation....
Aloe pictifolia
An attractive small aloe with greyish-green leaves ornamented with many white spots. It is easily grown and popular in cultivation....
Phymaspermum acerosum
The geelblombos will brighten up any dull area in the garden during the autumn months....
The Lamiaceae family is characterised by square stems, aromatic leaves (gland-dotted) and zygomorphic (irregular) flowers with the corolla usually 2-lipped....
Pseudoscolopia polyantha
Pseudoscolopia polyantha is a rare, near-threatened and little known tree restricted to a threatened habitat-forest margins....