Plants of the Week
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Prionium serratum
Palmiet is a robust shrub that plays an important role in mostly the Western Cape river ecology. This water-loving shrub is renowned for its practical...
Protea amplexicaulis
This sprawling protea shyly hides its velvety flowerheads under its unusual grey-green, pink-margined leaves....
Protea angustata
This is a protea you will be lucky to find when walking through the fynbos. Not only are there few plants, but they are also very cryptic. They are low-growing...
Protea aristata
Protea aristata would surely be among the five best-known South African proteas, even though it had a rather late documented discovery in the 1920s. It...
Protea aurea subsp. aurea
A tall, upright shrub with iconic cream or pink flower heads in summer and autumn, that resemble candles when in bud and look like a shuttlecock when open....
Protea aurea subsp. potbergensis
Protea aurea subsp. potbergensis flowers in early winter when little else is flowering in the garden. The flowers are large and when planted en...
Protea burchellii
Protea burchellii is a medium-sized, winter-flowering shrub and a delightful addition to any fynbos garden....
Protea caffra
The common sugar bush is one of three proteas which occur in the Witwatersrand area. ...
Protea compacta
The Bot River sugarbush is ideally suited to the larger coastal fynbos gardens where, if planted en masse , it will provide a pink or white splash...
Protea comptonii
A very impressive standing tree with a rounded, open crown, rich green leaves, and a water-lily-like inflorescence when fully in bloom, made up of white...
Protea cordata
This little protea is something of a Cinderella before the glass slipper came her way. The flower heads growing at ground level are unobtrusive, small...
Protea coronata
Protea coronata has bright apple-green inflorescences hidden amongst its silvery foliage; it's not a showy garden shrub but the very attractive...
Protea cryophila
Protea cryophila is a sprawling, densely tufted shrub with attractive pink and white flowerheads and leathery, ascending, inward-folded leaves. It is confined...
Protea curvata
Protea cynaroides
Surely the best known protea, prized worldwide as a magnificent cut flower and in South Africa honoured as the national flower....
Protea eximia
Protea eximia is a robust, easy-to-grow protea, presenting its showy, deep pink, purple-centred flower heads above greyish green foliage....
Protea grandiceps
This is a very slow growing fynbos shrub that produces excellent, long lasting, red flowerheads, beautiful for garden display and as a cut flower, and...
Protea inopina
Protea lacticolor
A large shrub or small tree from the fynbos, with creamy white or pink flower heads in autumn to winter, that can be used for screening, or as a focal...
Protea laetans
The Blyde protea is a small tree with bluish-green foliage and deep carmine flowerheads, and is one of the few proteas that are found in the summer-rainfall...