Plants of the Week
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Callilepis leptophylla
An aromatic perennial herb with needle-like leaves and large flowers early in the season, and it mixes well with grasses. ...
Callilepis laureola
This is a spring flower of the grasslands with the unusual combination of dark disc, white rays and bright green foliage, making it an attractive garden...
Calanthe sylvatica
A robust, terrestrial orchid with large, pale lilac or purple blooms during summer....
Caesalpinia rostrata
This medium to large scrambling shrub with its beautiful leaf patterns produces pink flowers towards the end of the year. It is an interesting plant for...
Caesalpinia bracteata
Caesalpinia bracteata represents a fairly recent discovery. It is a rare, thorny shrub with beautiful pink flowers, endemic to the dry desert of the lower...
Cadaba aphylla
Buxus natalensis
This much-branched shrub to small tree is characterized by its glossy, leathery, dark green leaves that make it most outstanding amongst the rest of the...
Buxus macowanii
A small, very slow-growing tree with a clean slender stem and a dense crown of shiny green leaves; it is a good pot plant, can be clipped and trained into...
Burkea africana
An attractive, medium-sized, flat-topped tree, difficult to grow and not yet produced on a commercial scale....
Burchellia bubalina
The wild pomegranate is an attractive ornamental shrub/tree that is also used to attract nectar-feeding birds. The combination of its bright red flowers...
Bulbinella latifolia subsp. doleritica
Bulbinella latifolia subsp. doleritica is a rare species from the Bokkeveld plateau and occurs in the vicinity of the internationally famous...
Bulbinella eburniflora
Bulbinella eburniflora is a vulnerable species from the Bokkeveld Plateau, threatened with habitat loss due to ploughing and livestock grazing....
The genus Bulbinella includes 18 species occurring in the Northern, Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa and an additional six species from...
Bulbine thomasiae
Bulbine thomasiae is an obligatory cliff-hugger, with rosettes of dull green, soft, succulent leaves that grow from the shale cliff faces along the Mbashe...
Bulbine suurbergensis
Bulbine suurbergensis is an aloe-like plant, with drooping, sparsely branched stems and soft leaves, that hangs from the quartzitic sandstone cliff faces...
Bulbine succulenta
Bulbine succulenta is an attractive bulbous plant, and a low-maintenance and rewarding ornamental plant.Fig. 1: Bulbine succulenta, plants in flower, flowers...
Bulbine sceletium
Bulbine sceletium is a cliff-squatting, aloe-like plant with sparingly branched rosettes of soft, pale green, striated leaves and solitary inflorescences...
Bulbine rupicola
A dwarf cliff-hugger, with numerous dwarf rosettes of dull green, rounded, soft, succulent leaves from cliffs in the southwestern corner of the Eastern...
Bulbine ramosa
Bulbine ramosa is an obligatory cliff-hugger, with bright green, ascending, pencil-like, tapering leaves and a solitary inflorescence of yellow flowers...
Bulbine pendens
This is a dwarf, summer-deciduous succulent with drooping, string-like leaves and ascending yellow flowers from cliffs in northern Namaqualand and the...